Carlotta stumbled toward the car, and for a moment, I was sure she’d throw up, but then she squared her shoulders and climbed into the back seat with Massimo.
“You have to ride in the front with me. It seems Massimo has to play doctor.”
I got off the bike, trying not to show that my legs felt like rubber too. I had actually enjoyed the ride more than I’d thought, but I wasn’t used to the speed in combination with the stench of sewerage.
Nevio opened the door for me in a rare act of chivalry and held out his hand, palm upward in a mocking gentleman’s gesture. I stifled a grin and took his hand, then climbed into the passenger seat.
I turned around to Carlotta. She still looked pale, and suddenly, I worried about her heart. “You okay?”
She gave me a small smile. “Yeah. Just a bit squeamish.”
I nodded then turned back and tugged down the suspenders of my overall dress before I shoved it down my body. Luckily, the RAM was a beast of a vehicle, so I had enough room to move. Eventually, I kicked it off and knotted my blouse over my rip cage, then popped open the three top buttons.
“What’s going on here?” Nevio asked, and I noticed his intent gaze on me. He still hadn’t started the engine.
“This is my party outfit. The overalls were just my disguise.”
“Makes you wonder what else you’re hiding beneath the sweet tomboy attitude,” Nevio mused.
“Is this ride going to take off any time soon?” Alessio asked impatiently.
Nevio tore his eyes away from me with an air of annoyance and started the car. As with the bike before, he raced again. “Provisions are in the center console.”
I opened the console and found an array of tiny bottles inside. Everything from vodka over Jim Beam to Jaegermeister. The only non-alcoholic option was Red Bull.
“Jaegerbomb for me to get my blood pumping,” Nevio said.
“And for me,” Alessio said.
“Jim Beam,” Massimo said.
“You’re driving, Nevio,” Carlotta said. “What if you cause an accident?”
Nevio motioned at Massimo. “I forward this question to my legal defendant.” He glanced at me. “Jaeger Bomb.”
Massimo turned to Lotta. “Considering Nevio’s high tolerance for alcohol due to years of consumption, it’s highly unlikely that a drink, especially mixed with an energy drink, will influence his driving skills negatively. His style of driving is a danger under any circumstances.”
“Thanks,” Nevio said dryly. I opened the tiny bottle of Jaegermeister and the can of Red Bull for him.
“Take a gulp from the can,” Nevio said.
I did without thinking about it even though I hated energy drinks. I frowned.
“Now, there should be room for the Jaegermeister.” I poured the alcohol into the drink, then handed it to Nevio.
In the back seat, Massimo and Carlotta were caught up in an argument about the dangers of drunk driving. “Now to the second part of your statement. Consequences of a car crash would be minor for us. Our car is massive, and legal consequences are unlikely.”
“But other people could be hurt.”
Massimo’s expression made it clear that wasn’t his concern. “At this time of night, it’s unlikely we’d crash into a family.”
Carlotta shook her head, hopefully realizing the futility of arguing aboutconscience with Massimo. “It’s still irresponsible.”
“You know what? Make that a double Jaegermeister without the bomb. I need to get drunk ASAP,” Alessio drawled. I bit back a laugh. Listening to Massimo and Carlotta could be tiring. I handed him two bottles, then picked one for myself. I’d never tried Jaegermeister. I rarely drank alcohol at all.
“Don’t get drunk on my watch,” Nevio warned. “I have every intention of not remembering a single thing tomorrow morning, so you need to keep your wits about you.”
“I’m not here to babysit you,” I said indignantly, congratulating myself inwardly for the hint of sass in my voice.