I managed to get the girls strapped in while I thought about the last time I was pampered. Rory and I didn’t have “spa money,” but that never stopped him from rubbing me down with my favorite body oils and loving me tenderly afterward.


“What’s up, Kiyah?” I asked once she finally got my attention.

“I love you.”

“I-I love you, too, baby,” I whispered.

Rory might not be here, but I’ll always have a piece of him.

* * *

My fingers tapped on the steering wheel while waiting for the boys in the pick-up line. Minutes passed by, and the line of waiting children thinned. My eyes scanned the pick-up area for Grant and Casey, but I didn’t see them. I rolled my window down when I noticed Grant’s teacher and flagged her down.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Tudor. I’m here to pick up Grant and Casey, but I don’t see them. Did Mr. Baker pick them up?”

Mrs. Tudor’s brows creased. “I’m sorry, but they’re not here. Their mother picked them up.”

My blood ran cold. “I’m sorry…what?”

“Their mother picked them up.”

“Eliza Baker?”

“That’s her.”

“She’s not supposed to.”

The teacher frowned. “She’s still on the pick-up sheet, so we have no reason to refuse her. Excuse me,” she said, dismissing herself and walking away to help load a pair of twins into the back of a BMW.

My hands shook as I dialed Jonathan’s number.

“Where’s Grant and Casey?” Kiyah asked, leaning to look out her window.

“That’s a really good question, baby.”

Chapter Eleven


My phone buzzed from beside me, giving me a much-needed break from the computer screen. I smiled when Kierra’s name populated the screen. When I wasn’t thinking about work, I was thinking about her. She thanked me constantly for everything I’d done for her without realizing how much she did for me. Knowing that my children were taken care of alleviated my stress, and having another adult in the house again was comforting. Not to mention, I didn’t feel lonely any longer.


“Jonathan, did you give Eliza permission to pick up the boys from school?” Kierra asked frantically. My brows furrowed in confusion.

“No…I didn’t. Are the boys not at school?” I asked the question, but I already knew the answer as I dialed Eliza’s phone number on my office phone.

“They’re not. Mrs. Tudor told me that Eliza picked them up, and she allowed them to go with her because she was still on the pickup list.

Goddamnit. How could I forget to remove Eliza from the list?

I redialed when Eliza’s phone went to voicemail. “I’m leaving the office now. Please go home in case Eliza drops the boys off. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“Jonathan, I’m—”

I didn’t mean to hang up on Kierra, but I was pressed for time.