“I’m just thinking about the mediation with Vance Oil this afternoon,” I lied.

“Oh, shit. That is today. Do you need me to watch the girls?”

I smiled softly. “It’s crazy, but I feel like we need a nanny.”

“I know what you mean. Anthony and I have been discussing it. Maybe we can get a nanny to share—you guys have her one weekend; we’ll have her the next—sometimes she’ll have to double up.”

“Six kids to one nanny would be brutal.”

“Hmph. Maybe more than that if you let the guys tell it.”

Simone never lied because that “breed me” had Jonathan twisted.

“Don’t worry about it. I can take the girls. It’ll only be a couple of hours.”

“No, no, no. I insist. It’s to pay you back for keeping Nori for five days. It’s the least I can do.”

I snorted. “I feel like we have a nanny tab.”

“That’s definitely one way of looking at it,” Simone agreed.

* * *

I parked beside Jonathan’s Mercedes and checked my hair and makeup in the mirror. I had to get my hair pressed again because Jonathan sweated my hair out. I woke up Sunday morning damn near with an afro. Satisfied, I grabbed my clutch and the drink carrier and entered Jonathan’s office. Cara was on the phone but looked at me as if I was Jesus Christ himself when I placed her latte on her desk. I frowned as I walked down the hallway leading to Jonathan’s office. His door was open, and he had anasty look on his face like he was ready to fuck someone’s shit up. It was kinda hot but worrisome at the same time.

I knocked gently and smiled when Jonathan gave me a once-over and adjusted himself. He waved me in, I handed him his coffee, and he whispered ‘thank you’ before returning to his conversation.

“You can’t get us in any sooner than that? Yeah, I’ll take January 5th. Thanks,” he grumbled before hanging up.

“Who was that?”

“Family court.”

“Really, January 5th? That feels so long from now. You can’t grease anyone’s palms there?”

“No one wants to work during the holidays, apparently. But why stress over something I can’t change? You look…breathtaking.”

“Do I?” I asked, doing a little spin for him before opening the suit jacket and flashing the red lace bodice underneath that matched my lipstick. I’d gone shopping again last week when Jonathan informed me of the mediation meeting with Vance Oil. I thought a nice power suit would be better fitting than leather pants and boots.

“I saw a porn just like this one time,” he confessed.

I laughed softly and approached him. I had half a mind to straddle him in his office chair, but time was of the essence. “Maybe after this is all said and done, we can recreate it.”

He flushed, and I felt victorious.

“Are you ready?”

“Should I be nervous?” I questioned with a raised brow.

“No. Our case is solid but can go one of three ways: Vance Oil accepts our settlement terms, denies our settlement terms, or counteroffers. I’m hoping for a counteroffer.”

“Why a counteroffer?”

“Because I know there’s no way they’ll want to voluntarily shell out $20 million. They’d want to go to trial. Trials can be drawn out, but with a counteroffer, there is always the chance we can find the happy medium.”

“I don’t even know what I would do with that much money,” I murmured. I turned around and walked the length of his office to the window that overlooked the parking lot. I heard him stand from his chair and knew I’d feel his warmth momentarily. Some of the tension left my body as soon as he enveloped me in a hug.

“You don’t have to run every time you think of him. Stay and let me help you through the pain.”