Thank God they behaved, or Simone and Anthony would never volunteer to watch them.

“How is your date going?”


“You sound like a schoolgirl, Jon; get it together,” Anthony joked. I felt giddy like one. I could get used to this treatment.

“How were the rest of the kids?”

“Grant and Casey were their usual selves. There was a time when Kiyah was missing her mother, but Simone distracted her. We didn’t want to interrupt your date but would’ve called if she started crying.”

I furrowed my brows when we pulled into the valet lane of the Hyatt Regency.

“I-I have to go, Anthony. Tell Simone thanks for watching the kids,” I rushed out before hanging up. “What are we doing here?”

“Did you forget our earlier conversation?”


“I told you I’d feed you and fuck you like a slut. You’re fed, so there’s only one thing left to do. When we get in our suite—don’t ask any questions. Take your clothes off and get on the bed.”

Chapter Thirty


I think I’m toxic. I must be because Jonathan’s nervous energy in this cramped elevator is giving me life. But if I’m toxic, he’s just as bad. The man entered the elevator and is already undoing his tie! He’s such a good boy, and Mommy will take care of him.

The elevator doors eased open. I took his hand and led him down the carpeted corridor to our luxury suite at the end of the hall. I waved the keycard in front of the sensor, and a spike of adrenaline rushed through me when it responded with a green flash.

“After you, Mr. Baker,” I insisted, opening the door for him and quickly following behind. My mouth parted from the sheer opulence of the suite. The view of the city’s skyline was absolutely breathtaking. I gravitated towards it like a hypnotized moth to a blazing flame, leaving behind the small carry-on suitcase I packed for us.

“What are you thinking about?” Jonathan asked, picking up on the hint of emotions I was trying to hide from him. Truthfully, I was thinking of Rory and how I wished I could give him all of this. He deserved it, but so did the man beside me—more than he’d ever know.

“You broke the rules, Jon. I told you not to ask questions, take your clothes off, and get on the bed.”

His Adam’s apple bobbed after a rough swallow. His cheeks had pinked adorably, reminding me of pink lady apples. He nodded submissively and left me to my silent brooding. I felt guilty. There I was, having an amazing time with an even more amazing man, and I couldn’t stop thinking about my deceased husband. I agreed with the statement that grief was a process, but I also owed it to Jonathan to give him all of me when it was him and I.

I left the expansive window and quickly swept the impressive suite. It felt less like a hotel room and more like a luxury condo with high-end furnishings and a million-dollar view.

It’s worth every penny.

I retrieved the suitcase and went into the bedroom. I bit my bottom lip when I found Jonathan obediently sitting at the foot of the bed in nothing but his birthday suit. His dick stood tall and imposing in all its veined glory. It wasn’t until it twitched in anticipation that I felt sorry for him. He wouldn’t experience any relief any time soon.

I abandoned the suitcase and wedged myself between his parted thighs. He reached out to touch me and groaned in disappointment when I slapped his hand away. “You don’t get to touch me until I say you can. Do you understand?”

He nodded.

“We should get rid of these. We wouldn’t want to break them, now, would we?” I asked, motioning at his glasses.

“Take me—I mean, take them,” he rushed out. I grinned widely and removed his wire-rimmed glasses gingerly before putting them on myself.

Gah damn, this man can’t see.

“How do I look?” I teased. Instead of responding, he reached for his erection but halted when I reprimanded him. “Aht. Aht.”

“Fuck, Kierra. You’re driving me crazy,” he complained in frustration.

Duh. That’s the point.