My brows raised in disbelief. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah, Anthony’s therapist wrote him a prescription for medicinal marijuana, and like the good friend he is, he shares the wealth. We should consider partaking since we’ll be child-free tomorrow evening.”

“Get rid of it.”

“What? Why would I do that?”

“I don’t know. I might be paranoid, but these custody battles can get out of hand. Accusations are made, and the next thing you know, you’re being drug tested, and your kids are taken away until you can finish drug and alcohol courses. Get rid of it, Jon.”

“Good thinking. I love you,” he said before jumping out of bed and leaving the room. I closed my eyes and placed my hand over my racing heart.

Don’t get excited, Kierra. He didn’t mean it. It was a slip of the tongue.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


“So, what do you think?”

I blinked repeatedly after Anthony explained what he planned to do with my money. He even provided diagrams, but I was still lost in the sauce, thinking of Jonathan’s slip of the tongue.

Man…just take my money.

“It’s great. How much should I make the check out for?”

“Whatever you’re comfortable with, but the more you have to play with, the more you stand to gain.”

“How about $20,000.00?” I asked hesitantly.

“That’s a good start.”

“Do I make the check out directly to you, or….”

“You’ll make that out to Powell Investments. I’ll write you a receipt.”

Shrieking erupted from outside Anthony’s office, and the screams were followed by a boisterous “mine” and “gimme.”

“Goddamnit,” Anthony growled, leaving his luxury office chair.

“I’ll get—”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s your weekend off.”

Anthony opened the office door and whistled. “Nori Rene, let it go and come here.”

“Toy, Daddy!” she protested.

“Come here. You girls have been acting up since Daisy crossed the threshold. Let’s go.” I winced when I heard a crashing sound that was most likely a toy going against the wall. “Yeah, you earned yourself a timeout. Hey! Don’t run from me. Eh, fuck it.”

Anthony closed the door, returned, and apologized. “I’m sorry about that. Simone probably had her head turned and they gave her the slip.”

“I’m sure they did. It’s not easy to simultaneously watch five children.”

“You’re telling me. I’ll be gray by the time you guys pick the kids up tomorrow. By the way, thank you for agreeing to watch Nori for us for a few days. I love my daughter to death, but I am looking forward to spending some one-on-one time with my woman while we sail the Caribbean.”

“We’re happy to help, but hey, um…the holidays are coming up, and Simone said I can talk to you about how you managed to get through the holidays during your bereavement. Are you—”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s fine. To be honest, Kierra, I was a fucking mess my first holidays without Jane. It hit me out of nowhere, and I felt like I was on a downward spiral again. I hated myself for taking the little holiday traditions that Jane loved so much for granted. She loved watching those cringey holiday movies; I couldn’t stand them. I’d sit beside her on the couch with my phone and lose myself in researching investment trends and stocks while she binge-watched her movies. I regret the things I took for granted, and honestly, it made me wonder if I was even a good husband to begin with.”