This man has reached his LIMIT! Let me find out he’s gonna send the hittas after her.

“What? No. I mean, I would pay her off to disappear from our lives. Take a million—shit—take two and go live on an island far away from here. I’m so fucking tempted, just for some peace and quiet.”

“She’ll blow through it and come back for more.”

“That’s what I’d be afraid of. But enough about Eliza, I want to hear about Kierra, the talker turned fighter.”

“Ugh, okay. The first time I had gotten in a fight was at some biker bar with this girl.”

“What did you fight about?”

“Jealousy is the only thing that comes to mind. She had a fucking problem with me as soon as I walked in the door.Everywhere I turned, I could see her and her posse glowering at me.”

“Definitely jealous, but who wouldn’t be?” he commented. He slapped me on my ass, and I rolled my eyes.

“Everything happened quickly. She came up to me and said some real disrespectful shit. I had planned on ignoring her and walking away, but she wasn’t having it. She whooped the fuck outta me,” I confessed, laughing at the mortified look on Jonathan’s face.

“That’s horrible. Did you call the police?” I looked at him as if he had ten heads. “Never mind…that’s a rhetorical question. Continue.”

“Rory peeled my ass off the floor, took me home, and gave me a pep talk about how I’d get her next time as he took care of my injuries.”

“Did you get your revenge?”

“Hell, yeah, I did. I returned the next night, she was on some bullshit again, and I grabbed the nearest beer bottle and broke it over her head.” Jonathan gasped. “Would you believe me if I told you we became good friends after that?”

“That would be wise on her part.”

I shook my head. “That was the culture, you know? You settled your differences by duking it out. Half the time, we didn’t even know what we were fighting for; just fighting for a story to tell, I guess.”

“I’m sure it didn’t help that alcohol and drugs were involved.”

“Hm. There was a lot of that floating around.”

“Did you—”

“Jonathan, are you asking me if I was a coke-snorting, pill-popping, riding the dragon ass bitch?” His mouth gaped in horror, and I snorted. “I haven’t sampled anything stronger than weed. How about you? I know how you rich frat boys get down.”

“Who said I’m in a fraternity?”

“You have the look.”

“Kierra, it’s not right to have a preconceived notion about someone based on their looks.”

Well, dang. I didn’t mean to offend him.

“I’m offended that you thought I was Vice President of Delta Sigma Phi just by looking at me.”

“You’re an asshole,” I laughed, shoving him away from me.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist,” he snickered.

“Is Anthony a member, too?”

“Yes. He was our treasurer.”

“Oh, wow. I didn’t see that coming,” I drawled sarcastically.

“Mhm. To answer your question—same. Nothing stronger than weed. I have a stash in my office.”