“Market value of the home is $1.3 million.”

I rolled my eyes when Anthony snorted and commented under his breath how I was an idiot.

“I’ll give you an even $1.2 million.”

“Deal. I’m heading over at 11:00 after finishing at family court.”

“I’ll be there,” Anthony confirmed before hanging up.

Thank God for sketchy, wealthy friends. That’s one less thing I have to worry about. Anthony will have to serve Eliza with eviction papers.

I left Kierra’s bedroom and swung by Casey’s.

“Good morning, Case. Do you need any help getting ready for school?” I asked, noticing he was moving about his bedroom sluggishly.

“I don’t want to go to school,” he griped, sliding on a sock.

“I know last night was hard, but today is Friday and will fly by faster than you know it. Don’t take too long, or you won’t have enough time for breakfast.”

Grant’s bedroom was empty, and Daisy was in bed, stretching like a sleepy cat on a windowsill.

“Good morning, Daisy.”

She held her hands in the air and wiggled her fingers at me in response. I scooped her up, kissed her cheek, and proceeded to Kiyah’s room, surprised to find it empty. I squatted, picked up a few of her cars and some dolls she left in the middle of the floor, and deposited them into her toy chest before jogging downstairs to join everyone for breakfast.

“Good morning!” I said cheerfully, setting Daisy on her feet. She shot towards Kierra and tangled herself between her legs.

“Good morning, Mr. Jonathan,” Kiyah sang as she colored at the breakfast table.

“Morning,” Grant replied sternly, like a grumpy old man, as he assessed Kiyah’s drawing.

“Someone’s chipper,” Kierra drawled as she flipped a pancake.

“And someone isn’t. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” I asked, kissing her cheek. I backed away but was surprised when Kierra grabbed my shirt and kissed me properly. She released me and went right back to flipping pancakes. My cheeks were as hot as the eye of the stove.

I’d already resigned myself to the fact that it would take me a minute to get used to the onslaught of sudden affection from Kierra after going without it for so long. What puzzled me the most was that I thought between the two of us, Kierra would be the one with intimacy issues, but she had no problems going after what she wanted.

“What do you have planned for the day, Jon?” she asked, handing me a platter of pancakes.

“I’m dropping the boys at school, going to the courthouse to take care of some legalities, and then swinging by Eliza’s house with Anthony. He’s buying the house from me.”

“Must be nice to have rich friends.”

I smiled. “It has its perks.”

“Whatever the case, it’s good that you’re taking Anthony with you. Is she—” Kierra paused and looked at the children before lowering her voice to a whisper. “—is she still in the clink?”

“In the clink? Really?” I laughed.

“Work with me here, Jon. By the way, I texted Simone, and she said she and Anthony will take the kids tomorrow night as long as we pick them up by noon on Sunday.”

“Yeah? What’s the catch?”

“Simone and Anthony will be taking off for a couple of days, and we’ll be getting a new roomie.”

My eyes slid to Daisy, who still clutched one of Kierra’s legs.

I guess I’ll be kissing a lot of boo-boos here soon.