She nodded again. “Yeah. I didn’t truly understand how stressful being the head of the household was until he left. Suddenly, I became responsible for every little thing, and I had someone looking up at me with big, hopeful eyes that I had to answer to. Rory had some deep-seated insecurities when it came to being a provider. He wanted the white picket fence and to come home to his loving wife who didn’t have to lift a finger outside the home.”

“Is that what you wanted?” I interrupted.

“I didn’t start envisioning that kind of life until Kiyah came along. Rory hated that I had to work throughout my pregnancy to help us make ends meet. He thought he was a failure for being unable to solely provide for us, and there were many nights—like tonight—where I had to remind him that we were a team. I know you blame yourself for what happened tonight, but it’s not your fault.”

“Isn’t it?” I asked gruffly, pulling away from her. “I spoiled her until she was rotten to the core, and when I finally decide to put my foot down, she does something like this.”

“You did spoil her, Jonathan, but you can’t control how she reacts.”

“Do you know what Kiyah screamed out when I was about to confront Eliza in the parking lot?”

“No…tell me.”

“She begged me not to go out there because Eliza would kill me, and she didn’t want me to die, too.” Kierra’s mouth dropped in shock, and despite the dimness of the bathroom, I could see the exact moment when her eyes glazed over. “You’re right. I can’t control how Eliza reacts, but I’ll be damned if her actions cause harm to the kids or you. My marital drama is too much for you.”

“Is this you telling me that I shouldn’t set my hopes on us becoming any more than employer and nanny?”

“That’d be wise.”

She smirked, and I knew she’d reply with a witty quip.

“No one has ever accused me of being wise. What’s the point of starting now?”

“We shouldn’t get further romantically involved.”

“Well, maybe you should’ve thought about that before you started being a father figure to my daughter or before you nutted in me and wooed me with roses. Maybe you should’ve thought about that before I convinced myself to take that leap with you, and you surely should’ve thought of that before I started envisioning a future for me and Kiyah with you and your children. You’re a pussy, Jonathan.”

That last sentence made me chuckle. “You don’t sugarcoat anything, do you?”

“I’ve never been the type, and I certainly won’t start now,” she affirmed.

“I’m not used to this, you know?”

“You get used to it once someone calls you a pussy a handful of times.” I threw my head back and laughed until tears slid down my face. “You have a beautiful laugh,” Kierracomplimented, shutting down my laughter. Heat spread through my cheeks, and I anxiously rubbed the back of my neck.

“I’m not used to being complimented or catered to. This is all foreign to me,” I confessed.

“It doesn’t have to be foreign, but you have to be open to accepting the experience and believe you deserve it. I think you’re afraid we’ll get in too deep, and Eliza will have me running for the hills. Funky-ass Eliza could try, but I truly believe that Kiyah and I are meant to be here, but I need you to believe it, too. Are you really going to allow Eliza to keep you from being happy?”

That’s precisely what Eliza is doing—keeping me from experiencing happiness. What I have with Kierra is new and thrilling, but at the same time, it feels so right. It feels right to wake up with her in my arms, read the notes she leaves me in my lunches, paint in the backyard with the kids, and work in my home office while she lies on the couch with a book. Nothing has ever felt so right in my entire life.

“You’re deserving, Jonathan, but you have to believe it,” Kierra said, climbing to her feet. “When you’re ready, meet me in the bedroom for part two.”

“May I offer another suggestion?”

“Let’s hear it.”

“The water is still warm…join me.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


“The water is still warm…join me.”

“You’re ruining my plans,” I said, placing my hands on my hips.

“What plans? Period sex?”