“Okay. I’ll wait up for you.”

The next two hours passed in a blur. The kids were temporarily pacified by their ice cream treats. Casey asked ifthey were still visiting their mother that weekend. Before I could respond, Grant interjected and harshly asked Casey if he was stupid. That resulted in them lobbying insults at each other until I threatened time out. Stubborn sorries followed before they distanced themselves from each other.

Bath time rolled around, and every child received a relaxing, warm bubble bath followed by a ten-minute massage to their hands, arms, shoulders, and feet. Poor Grant had literal knots in his shoulder and neck as if he was carrying the world’s burdens on them.

This baby is stressed out!

Typically, I get the kids ready for bed by age, but I purposely saved Kiyah for last so we could have “the talk.”

She lay in bed with her racecar pajamas on while I massaged her little piggies. “Where’s Mr. Jonathan. Is that lady going to hurt him?”

“Mr. Jonathan is fine. He has a black belt in Karate and Jujitsu, remember? That means he’s more than capable of defending himself.”

“But she has a baseball bat.”

“Kiyah, don’t worry, babes. She’s in jail.”

“Are they gonna throw away the key?”

I smirked.

One could hope, but I’m sure some fancy lawyer will have her bailed out in less than 24 hours.

“We’ll see.”

“Grant said she’s their mom.”

“Yep,” I agreed, switching to her other foot.

“I told him you would never do that.”

Not in front of the kids, I wouldn’t.

“Ki, can I ask you a question?” I posed, segueing to my situationship with my employer.

“Yes, Mommy.”

“How does seeing Mommy get close to Mr. Jonathan make you feel?” She tilted her head in confusion, and I knew I had to come at a different angle—possibly more direct. “Did it make you angry this morning when you saw me in bed with Mr. Jonathan?”

“Angry? Why would I be angry?”

“Okay, maybe angry isn’t the word. Did it make you sad?”

“No, I wasn’t sad.”

“What were you feeling?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. You were in the bed with Mr. Jonathan like you would with Daddy, but you told me Mr. Jonathan isn’t my daddy and that he is a friend. Is he a friend, or is he Daddy?”

One hundred percent my daddy. Anyway, I’m just out here confusing the poor girl.

“I’m sorry I’ve made all of this confusing for you, but I’ll be truthful. I like Mr. Jonathan as more than just a friend; however, I don’t like him as much as I like Daddy, but I could one day. But I have to consider your feelings, Kiyah, and not just you—Grant, Casey, and Daisy, too. You guys may not be comfortable with me and Mr. Jonathan liking each other.”

“Why not?” she asked curiously.

“Ki, Daddy hasn’t been gone that long. You don’t think it’s too soon?”

She shook her head. “You don’t cry anymore, Mommy. It’s okay.”