I watched him walk away with his rigid posture but finally looked away when I felt something on my shirt. I looked down and found Daisy wiping her mashed potato fingers on the front of my shirt.

What a way to remind me that I must pick up a Plan B from the pharmacy. We have a house full of kids—a fifth one might send us running for the hills.

* * *

I entered the pharmacy and searched for the family planning aisle. I perused the aisle until I found the Plan Bs on the top shelf. I grabbed one, then two more…just in case.

There’s nothing wrong with being prepared. Accidents do happen. I should probably speak to Kierra about what she sees for herself in the future. It’s early—I know, but if she doesn’t see herself being a mother again, then I’ll happily march to the urologist and have a vasectomy.

I grabbed a large box of condoms before exiting the aisle. To my chagrin, I ran into my best friend. My eyes widened owlishly as Anthony and I stared at each other. His eyes ticked down to the items I clutched before meeting mine again.


“Jonathan,” he returned before limping to the cash register. I accompanied and watched him lay his purchases on the counter.

Prenatal gummy bears, lip balm, gum, and The Princess and the Frog Band-Aids.

“Send me an invitation to the baby shower,” Anthony joked.

That’s the Anthony I know and love.

“There won’t be a baby shower.”

Anthony snorted. “You might as well put all of that back. You’re fertile like a damn rabbit.”

“Don’t be an idiot, Anthony.”

“I’ve never been more grateful for Eliza Baker in my entire life. Simone would’ve come back pregnant if she went on that date with you, and I would’ve been raising my best friend’s kid.”

“You’re not that far behind me.”

“If that’s what makes you sleep at night,” he replied, completing his transaction. “Also, Simone wants to throw a little Halloween party at the house. You and your family are invited. We’re also having a costume contest, so you Bakers better bring it. Also, where’s my wife’s money?”

My brows met as I tried to figure Anthony out. “Your wife’s money?”

“Eliza Baker owes my woman somewhere to the tune of $95,000.00 for her false kidnapping allegation that traumatized my family.”

“I know,” I sighed. “I was Simone’s attorney.”

“Then be her attorney and get her money because if I have to go to Eliza’s house, then we’re gonna have a problem. I’ll put a lien on it.”

“Please don’t do that. I own the house.”

“Then Simone better be paid in full before the new year. Do you understand?”

“I understand. I’ll bring it up to her when I drop the kids off on Saturday.”

He grunted an acknowledgment before collecting his purchases. “Have a good one, Jon,” he wished as if he didn’t just threaten to put a lien against my house.

Eliza will never pay the money. I’ll be on the hook for it. I guess it’ll be their Christmas gift this year.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I arrived home an hour later after making a few more stops. I expected to be greeted by at least one of my kids, but it was surprisingly silent. I checked the time and noted it was too early for a nap, but then again, the kids could’ve suffered a sugar crash from the donuts they inhaled.

I dropped off the morning-after pills in Kierra’s bedroom and the condoms in mine before returning downstairs. Laughter caught my attention and drew me to the backyard, where I found Kierra and the kids painting on canvases.