“Is everything okay, Mr. Baker?”

“Yeah, Cara. Everything is fine. Please enjoy yourself. Don’t forget to employ the calling service for today and tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied, hanging up.

“These are good!” Casey exclaimed, shoving a chocolate tart in my direction.

I know. I almost ate them all last night.

“This is disgusting,” Grant commented, spitting out the asparagus onto the plate. I rolled my eyes, still holding Daisy’s wrist, desperately trying to prevent her from diving for more. Kiyah sat at the table, quietly helping herself to a tart.

“Okay. Let’s wash hands and then line up at the garage door so we can get those donuts.”

“Can we get chocolate milk, too?” Kiyah asked, finally breaking the ice.

“Of course, sweetheart.”

“Are you my daddy now?”

I’m your mother’s daddy now.

“Are you excited about joining the boys at karate tonight?” I deflected.

“I can’t wait!” Kiyah exclaimed. She jumped from the chair and tried showing us some moves. I was honestly impressed by the roundhouse kick.

The boys better not piss her off.

“Go wash your hands in the laundry room and wait by the door.”

Kiyah zoomed off with Casey right on her tail. I heaved a relieved sigh, realizing I was right about Kierra overreacting.


“What’s up, Grant?”

“I don’t want Kiyah to go to karate with us.”

Jesus Christ.

“Why not, son?”

“Because what if she gets hurt?”

I’m begging you, son. Please don’t fall for your stepsister.

“She won’t get hurt because she’s just observing today.”

“But what about the next class?”

“I think there’s a low chance of her being injured in class. Have you ever been injured?”

“No, but that doesn’t mean Kiyah won’t get hurt.”

“You’re right, but Sensei is a professional, and part of his job is to show you guys how to safely practice. He hasn’t let us down yet. Thanks for being concerned about Kiyah, but I think she’ll be all right, buddy.”

He glared at me challengingly with those analytical eyes, and I nearly folded under their intensity. I’d hate to go toe-to-toe with him in the courtroom.

“Okay, Dad.”