Grumpy Grant strikes again.

“Mr. Jonathan, I want to go to karate with Grant and Casey tomorrow and kick butt.”

“Kiyah, we don’t talk like that,” Kierra reminded her daughter from the background.

“Mr. Jonathan, can I go to karate?” Kiyah asked, completely ignoring her mother.

“I’m sure Grant and Casey would be okay with you watching them tomorrow. It’ll give you a chance to get a feel for it. Also,karate isn’t just for kicking butt. Karate helps build confidence, teaches you self-defense, encourages self-discipline, and teaches you how to respect others.”

“Will I get a uniform, too?”

“Eventually, but not tomorrow.”

“Ahhh,” she whispered.

It broke my heart to disappoint her, and in my mind, I could see her bowing her little head like she did whenever she was in trouble or didn’t get her way.

Wait a minute.

“Well…actually, I think Casey has a gi, that’s the word for uniform, from last year that you may be able to fit.”


“Yes, ma’am. It’s in the back of his closet.”

“Let’s go, Grant!” Kiyah demanded.

“Do you see what you just started?” Kierra asked. “I bet she’ll go to sleep in that gi.”

“I don’t see the harm in it. It’s debatably more comfortable than falling asleep in leather pants and a vest,” I said, reminding her of how I found her and Kiyah on the living room couch after their middle of the night run to Denny’s.

“You know what? I’m gonna let you get back toher, whoever she may be. Text me when you’re on the way home so I’ll have your dinner ready.”

“Sounds good. The quicker I can get back toher, I mean, work, the sooner I’ll be home. Don’t be suspicious when I come home and shower immediately. It’s been a long day,” I teased. Kierra scoffed and seconds later I was met by a dial tone. Our playful banter left a wide grin on my face as I powered through the remainder of my tasks.

“She’s sexy when she’s jealous.”

* * *

I groaned as soon as I entered the house and yanked off my shoes. I was tired, wet and cold from a sudden rainstorm, and all I wanted to do was take a blistering hot shower, eat, and pass out. I passed the dining room and paused. I took several steps backward, paying no mind to the water puddles I left behind.

“Good. You’re finally home,” Kierra greeted. She handed me a warm, fluffy towel, and I had no doubt that she pulled it out the dryer seconds ago.

“What’s all this?” I asked, staring down at the extravagant spread.

“I decided to make a special dinner to apologize for doubting you earlier. Please get cleaned up so we can eat. I can smellheron you, and I’m starving.”

We shared a laugh before I addressed her.

“Kierra…you didn’t have to do this, but I appreciate it all the same.”

“It’s nothing. Cooking—” she paused and averted her eyes before dragging them back to me, “—was something I enjoyed doing for Rory. It didn’t matter what I made; it could’ve been a tuna fish sandwich and chips, and he’d behave like it was the best meal he had ever had. There was even a time when I fucked a dish up so badly that I could only take a few bites before shoving my plate away. Still, he scarfed it down with a smile, lied and told me how much he loved it and loved me, and then swiftly left the table.” She started laughing until tears appeared in the corner of her eyes. I couldn’t help but meet her laugh with a smile. I loved that Kierra was getting to the point where she could laugh about the good times she shared with Rory. It wasn’t because I was ecstatic that she was getting over his death so that I could pursue her, but because he seemed like an amazing man. Kierra loved him—she still did, and anyone that Kierra loved, whether alive or dead, was vital to me.

“Then what happened?” I pressed.

“I overheard him throwing up loudly in the bathroom. He came out acting like nothing happened.”

“Hopefully, I don’t meet the same fate. Give me ten minutes.”