I need closure and justice for Rory, and if I have to see that rat-faced bastard, then so be it.

Chapter Fourteen


“Everything will be okay,” I said, trying to soothe Kierra, who looked as if she needed to either go to the bathroom or deliver a baby.

“I hate that man with a passion,” she responded.

You and me both…you and me both.

“That’s understandable. He doesn’t have the best reputation.”

“Well, he’s a lawyer. What did you expect?”

“I’m going to start taking these lawyer jabs personally.”

“Sue me,” she demanded, leaving the couch to snag a water bottle from the mini fridge. I bit back a groan when she bent over. I thought she looked amazing in spandex leggings, but the soft leather pants pushed the leggings into second place.

“I can think of other ways to make you pay for hurting my feelings,” I teased playfully as I gathered Rory’s notes.

“Nice try. Lawyers don’t have feelings,” Kierra replied, finally cracking a smile.

That’s what I wanted to see.

“Haven’t you heard? One in 17 lawyers, in fact, do have feelings.”

“I’m so lucky I’ve found the one.”

“Remember th—”

I clucked my tongue in annoyance when Walter Burgess barged into my office without first knocking. I wished I could say his poor etiquette pissed me off the most, but the wolfish grin on his face when he laid eyes on Kierra made my blood boil. I couldn’t tell if he was trying to intimidate her or was undressing her with his beady eyes. It didn’t matter; I wanted to kick his ass regardless.

“Mr. Burgess, I don’t know how they do it at Vance Oil, but we knock around here,” I said, standing to my feet. I didn’t stand to greet him out of respect but to remind him that he stood at my shoulders. His height was a sore spot for him, along with his thinning hair.

“I apologize, but your office is so quaint and homey that I thought you had an open-door policy, my mistake.”

I refrained from rolling my eyes. “I believe in an open-door policy for friends and family—we are neither. What do I owe the—”

“I think pleasantries are beneath us, don’t you think, Jon?”

“Are we taking pleasantries off the table?” I inquired, rolling my sleeves up.

“It’d save us from the posturing.”

“I agree. Let me rephrase, what the fuck are you doing in my office?”

A squeak came from Kierra, and she suddenly found my degrees an exciting focal point.

“It’s lovely seeing you again. Is it still Mrs. Houston?” Mr. Burgess asked.

She glared at him over her shoulder. “It is.”

“How is the little one?”

“Walter, what did you come here for?” I asked, cutting him off. I didn’t want him to engage with Kierra any longer. It was clear what his intentions were—to get underneath her skin.

“I came to discuss this bullshit summons with you,” he said, throwing the document on my desk.