Please don’t tell me something that’ll make me jack your mother up. Please don’t do it, Grant.

“—Mom took it and threw it out the car window. She said Dad shouldn’t take in stray animals.”

My mouth dropped. I couldn’t believe the words that came out of Grant’s mouth.

Stray…animals…. Yeah, no. I can’t let that shit fly. Rory is probably rolling in his grave right now.

“That’s so nice of you, Grant. I’m sure Kiyah would have loved it. Go get ready for a bath. I’ll be up in a minute. I have to go introduce myself to your mother.”


I jogged downstairs and stormed towards the front door. I planned on giving her a piece of my mind until I overheard Jonathan and Eliza’s argument.

“You moved this woman into the house with our children! You don’t even know this woman, Jonathan!”

“I know enough.”

“What is her background?”

“It’s none of your concern. That’s what her background is.”

“You’re fucking her, aren’t you?”

“Again, none of your concern,” he replied firmly.

“You’re so fucking gullible, Jon. Next thing you know, she’ll have a ring, and you’ll be playing stepdaddy.”

This bitch is jealous as a motherfucker.

“That sounds pretty fucking good if you ask me.”

He’s obviously trying to get under her skin. Good for you, Jonathan.

Eliza blew a raspberry. “You and Anthony just can’t help yourselves, can you?”

“Yeah, you gotta fucking go. I’ve tried being cordial with you, but the more you talk, the clearer it becomes that the kids don’t need to be around you. I didn’t want to do this, but I will be going back to petition the court to change your unsupervised visits to supervised because I’ll be damned if you’re saying this kind of shit around the kids. Because whether you like it or not, Kierra and Kiyah live here, and they’re a part ofourfamily.”

“They’re not a part of your family—they’re moochers.”

In a rage, I threw the door open, shoved past Jonathan, and punched her in her stupid mouth. She fell to the ground, andI mounted her immediately and kept hitting her until Jonathan finally dragged me off her.

“Kierra! Stop! That’s enough!” he shouted, trying to separate us.

“Say something else about me and my child again! You’ll be swallowing your fucking teeth! Moochers? That’s fucking ironic, seeing how you don’t spend time with your kids unless a check is involved. I get paid to love on your kids and take care of them—something you should be doing for free, you bum-ass bitch! And some of those licks were for Simone, too!” I shouted as Jonathan dragged me inside.

He threw me on the couch, and I was about to jump up, and Mortal Kombat finish her ass when Jonathan snapped at me. “Don’t fucking move from this spot. Do you understand me?” I looked away from him, but Jonathan wasn’t having that. He grabbed my chin and pulled me back. “You will not move from this spot. Do you understand?”

I inhaled sharply and nodded. He left without another word, and I was on my feet as soon as his back was turned.

The boys.

I was so busy beating their mother into the pavement that I had completely forgotten they were upstairs waiting for their baths. I groaned when I found them both passed out in their beds with their clothes and shoes on. “I’ll have to change their bedding tomorrow while they’re at school,” I whispered, sliding Grant’s tennis shoes off. I placed them in front of his neatly pressed school uniform that hung on his closet door and tiptoed out.

Daisy was still asleep, cuddling with her stuffed duck, and Kiyah was passed out with her mouth opened wide. I could relate. I always slept well after a body-shuddering cry. My breath caught when I entered my bedroom and found Jonathan sittingon the bed with a stormy look on his face that told me he reached the top of his bullshit meter for the month. Maybe the year.

Jonathan needs to leave…immediately. I can deal with considerate and smiling Jonathan, but broody and dominant Jonathan is another story. That chin grab? Tuh! Some things are just best left unsaid.

“Can we talk about how badly I fucked up in the morning?”