“That’s right. Nothing would make her happier than knowing you were so worried that you materialized on her doorstep.” Anthony snorted. “I wouldn’t be surprised if this is some desperate attempt to get you into bed.”

“That’s vile,” I protested.

“It’s been too long. You’d fold like origami.”

“I have a little more resolve than that,” I said, taking the exit to my house.

“Okay, Mr. Hot for Nanny.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re one to talk. You’re having a shotgun wedding with your nanny.”


We spoke for a few more minutes until I entered our gated community.

“Thanks for keeping my head on straight, Anthony.”

“No problem. Now, back to my issue. What’s a good substitution for gingerbread cookies?”

“Gingerbread cake,” I answered as I texted my ex.

Jonathan: I’m calling the cops if the boys aren’t home by 6:00.

* * *

I had barely entered the house when Kierra rushed towards me with Daisy in her arms and Kiyah behind her. “Have you heard anything?”

“No, not yet. I’m giving Eliza until 6:00 to do the right thing before drastic measures have to be taken,” I explained, taking Daisy from her.

“Jonathan…I’m sooo sorry. If I was a few minutes earlier, I could’ve—”

“Stop, Kierra. This isn’t on you.”

“But I—”


“Excuse me?” she asked, scrunching her nose in that adorable way she did sometimes when she was stumped by something.

“Chamomile tea. I think we all could use some.”

“Can I have camouflage tea, Mr. Jonathan?” Kiyah asked, tugging on my pant leg.

“Chamomile tea,” Kierra corrected. I chuckled as I led the way to the kitchen.

“How do you feel about warm apple juice?” I asked Kiyah.

“I love apple juice!” she professed.

“Me too, but you won’t get any.”

Kiyah’s mouth dropped in disbelief.

“Why not? I want apple juice.”

“Where’s my picture for my office?”

It took a full second before Kiyah caught on. “I have it! It’s in my room! I’ll be back,” she informed before zooming out of the kitchen.