“We’re delusional? I think you should ask her out,” Anthony suggested crudely.

“That’s inappropriate,” I chastised.

“Why? Because she’s your nanny?”

“She’s my children’s nanny, it’s unethical to date a client, and she lost her husband six months ago. I doubt she’s open to dating anyone. Let alone me.”

The line fell silent. The next voice I heard was Simone’s, and this time, she was loud and clear. “Don’t sell yourself short, Jonathan. You bring a lot to the table. You’re kind, generous, and handsome when you’re not conspiring to steal babies. You’re a good father, and you have good morals and principles—again, when you’re not stealing babies, but—”

“Do you have to keep mentioning the stealing babies bit?” I laughed, throwing juice boxes into the recyclables.

“I’m just saying,” she replied lightly. “To be fair, Kierra was checking you out, too.”

“She was?” I asked in disbelief.

“She was. You had her head turning every time you walked by. Now, do I think you should be pushing up on Kierra as soon as she crosses your threshold like your best friend suggested? No. By the way, Anthony gives horrible advice. I don’t know why you listen to him.”

“I never do,” I remarked, stopping by the back patio door once I noticed the outside light was on. Kierra sat on the deck, looking up at the stars. I watched as the moonlight bathed her trim figure and smoke billowed above her head.

“Listen, speaking from experience, it’s possible that lines could get blurred. You’re both obviously attracted to each other and lonely and might seek each other out for…what’s the word I’m looking for? Anthony, what am I looking for?”

“Knowing you? Intimate companionship.”

“Intimate companionship? Wow, I’m impressed, Anthony. I expected you to say something vulgar,” Simone praised. He grunted, and I rolled my eyes. “You two might cross the line, and you might want more, but she might not. As you mentioned, she’s grieving the loss of her husband. Physically, she might be there but absent emotionally. If you can’t handle that, then don’t even try. You’ll just be setting yourself up for failure.”

Sadly, she’s right.

“Understood. It’s late. Thank you for the helpful advice. I’ll see you guys soon.”

“Wait!” Anthony shouted, causing me to pause before disconnecting. “Did Kiyah like the room?”

I smiled widely. “She loved it.”

“Good. Did you tell them the sign was my idea?”

“Of course not. I took all the credit.”

“You son-of-a—”

I hung up with a laugh before Anthony could curse me further and returned my attention to the lonely woman.

“Here goes nothing,” I whispered before exiting the house.

Chapter Nine


“You’re too pretty to smoke,” I said, announcing my presence and sliding the door shut behind me.

“There you go hitting on me again.”

“That’s me being objective again.”

“Of course you are,” Kierra chuckled, offering me a cigarette.

“FYI, I’m not good with peer pressure,” I admitted, accepting the smoke.

“Welcome to the dark side.”