“Mr. Jonathan, where is my surprise?” Kiyah interrupted.

“It’s upstairs in your room,” he answered.

“Can I go see it?” she asked excitedly.

“Sure. Grant, can you show Kiyah to her room?”

“Follow me,” he sighed before leading the way. The rest of them quickly abandoned snack time to play follow the leader.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I hope I’m long gone by the time Grant goes through puberty.” Jonathan laughed whole-heartedly as he selected ingredients from the refrigerator. “I picture a lot of heavy sighing, a Keep Out sign on his bedroom door, and blaring heavy metal,” I said.

“You described me as a teenager.”

“Noooooo. I can’t see it.”

“It’s the truth. It was a very brief phase, and I mainly did it to fuck with my parents.”

“Favorite metal band, go.”

“Metallica,” Jonathan answered immediately. My eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“I don’t know. That feels like a cop-out.”

“You don’t think Metallica is one of the greatest metal bands?”

“I’m not saying that. I’m just saying that Metallica is a gateway drug to thrash and heavy metal. It’s an obvious—”

A piercing scream followed by sobbing interrupted me.


Chapter Eight


Kierra took off at breakneck speed to rescue Kiyah. I took a gulp from my wine and trailed her at a slower pace. My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I was surprised to see a text from Eliza asking if she could pick up the kids.


Eliza:No? Why are you keeping the kids from me?

Jonathan:I’m not keeping the kids from you. It’s not your weekend. You can pick them up next weekend.

Eliza:I know I missed some weekends, but you don’t have to be an asshole.

There she goes with the name-calling. I won’t let her bait me.

Jonathan:Some? How about most.

Eliza:Life happens. Things come up.

Jonathan:You’d have to be the unluckiest person alive to have life happen to you every other weekend.

Eliza:You won’t keep me from seeing the kids.

Jonathan:Have a good day, Eliza.

“Daddy, why are they crying?” Casey asked once I arrived at Kiyah’s bedroom.