“I know it’s a little funny, but we have to remember to do what?”


“Boundaries,” I corrected.

“Boundaries,” she mumbled.

“When someone sets boundaries, they are letting you know what makes them feel safe and respected. Wouldn’t you be upset if Grant called you KiKi?”

I smirked when Kiyah seethed from the backseat.

She hates being called KiKi.

“Can I play on the trampoline when we get there?”

“Maybe after we get settled.”

“Did you pack all my toys?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, Kiyah. I have your toys.”

“What about my rainboots?”

“Yes, Kiyah. I have your rainboots.”

“What about my art set?”

“I have that, too.”

“Good,” she affirmed. I drove in silence, taking the exit that would lead us to our new home. Surprisingly, dinner with the Bakers and company went off without a hitch. Jonathan’s children were sweethearts, even Grant, who tried to appear aloof and disinterested. I could tell he was mistrusting of Kiyah and me—I couldn’t blame him. We were strangers who were encroaching on his familial territory. As Jonathan said, Casey was talkative and asked a lot of questions. Despite Daisy’s earlier “fisticuffs” with Nori, she played exceptionally well with Kiyah, following her around and wanting to share her toys.

Daisy must be relieved that she isn’t the only girl in the house any longer.

Jonathan had taken us on a tour of his “humble” abode. I was still shocked that he had a gym fitted with a sauna and an expansive library with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and comfortable seating for leisurely reading. The wingback chairs in front of the fireplace transported me to the library scene inThe Beauty and the Beast. There wasn’t a wine cellar, but some way, I’d find a way to cope without it. The kids’ bedrooms were breathtaking—each looking as if they were photocopied from a children’s interior design magazine. Kiyah was gob-smacked when she entered Daisy’s room and proclaimed she wanted a bedroom just like hers. Jonathan told me I had free reign to decorate our bedrooms however we saw fit. I couldn’t give Kiyah what Daisy had right away, but it would be on and popping once my first paycheck hit. I wouldn’t change anything about my bedroom. I didn’t have to. It exceeded my expectations with itscountry cottage chic theme. The curtains were sheer white and blue, opening to a view of the well-manicured lawn I fell in love with. A white love seat decorated with white and gray pillows sat in front of the window; beside it was a white end table with a cotton-scented candle, fresh gardenias, and a lamp. The bed was king-sized, covered with a thick white comforter in preparation for the winter. A pang struck my chest as I was reminded that I’d be the only one taking up space in a bed that was clearly meant for two or more.

I took calm, measured breaths like my therapist taught me when I felt overwhelmed and thought of happy thoughts as I punched the security code to the exclusive gated community. The gate swung out slowly, granting me entrance to our new residence for the next year, as my contract stated. I crawled through the neighborhood under the posted speed limit.

The last thing I want is to become the target of this snobby-ass homeowner’s association.

“We’re here!” Kiyah shrilled from the backseat, making me wince from her ear-piercing announcement. I parked my lovingly used Camry beside a nearly brand-spanking new black Expedition. I barely cut the ignition, and Casey was already at my door, attempting to pry it open.

“Unlock it,” he demanded.

“Please,” I corrected him through the window.

“Please, unlock it,” his muffled voice returned. I complied and was greeted by a big smile that clearly came from his father. “Take my hand. I’m a gentleman.”

“You are,” I said, handing him my purse instead. “You got it?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Hi, Casey!” Kiyah shrieked, yelling from the back.

“Hi, Kiyah. Do you want to jump some more?” he offered.

“My…my mommy said later.”

“Casey, you can’t run out of the house like that!” Jonathan chastised, appearing with Grant at his side and Daisy in his arms.