“That Anthony’s ugliness made you cry.”

Kierra barked out a laugh. “Don’t let him hear you say that. I have a feeling we’d find him lying on the sofa with his headin Simone’s lap while she ran her fingers through his hair and consoled him.”

I snickered. “I’m afraid to admit that’s a regular Tuesday night for them.”

“Not to sound like a hater, but their love is overwhelming.”

I laughed, knowing exactly what she meant. “They are very much still in the honeymoon phase. It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows with the two of them,” I said, sliding down to the floor and resting my back on the door.

“Ooh. Do tell.”

“No, thanks. I’m sure Simone won’t mind giving you all the dirty details.”

“I have a question.”

“I’m listening.”

“Is Anthony always soooo….”

“Yes, to whatever you were going to ask. He became more so that way after his wife died three years ago.”

There was a lull in the conversation. “Hold on. Nori is two, right?”

“Not quite.”

“So, if Anthony’s wife died three years ago, then who is Nori’s mother?”


“No, I get that Simone is her mother, but who is Nori’s biological mother?”

“Anthony’s deceased wife.”

“The math really isn’t mathing.”

I chuckled and decided to put Kierra out of her misery. “Anthony’s wife froze her eggs for him before she passed. Simone is actually Nori’s birth mother.”

“Hold the phone. So…Simone…was…a surrogate?”


“And then she and Anthony got together?”

“You got it.”

“Huh…that’s an interesting love story.”

Interesting indeed.

“Um…just so you know…my mental health is in check.”

“What are you saying?”

“I just…you don’t have to worry about me offing myself or drowning the kids in the bathtub. I’m good. I just have my days, you know?”

I nodded in understanding. “I get it. Anthony would have his days, too, especially when something reminded him of Jane. Don’t tell him I told you, but I remember coming over to watch a football game, and he started bawling when the Caesar dog food commercial came on. Jane had always wanted a Yorkshire Terrier, and he promised to get her one, but that day never came. Not many people realize it, but the little things are the most impactful.”

“Amen. I never thought I’d miss the smell of motor oil and grease.”