“Thank you for the dog, Mr. Jonathan.”

“You’re welcome, but I want you all to remember that having a pet is a big responsibility. You four will have to give him food, water, baths, and more.”

“We will!” Kiyah confirmed enthusiastically.

“Have you thought of any names, Grant?” I asked.

“Rex,” he replied, nodding resolutely.

“I don’t like that name,” Casey stated.

“I don’t like it either,” Kiyah added.

“Excuse me for saying, but that’s an ugly ass dog,” Anthony piped up, earning an annoyed look from Jonathan.

He didn’t lie, Jon. It’s an ugly ass dog. It might grow into its looks but for now… it’s unique looking.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” Jonathan reminded him.

“I must be blind,” Dad commented before lighting a cigar.

“He’s… he’s…well…bless his heart,” Felicity cooed in her southern drawl.

That’s how you know…bless his heart.

Jonathan leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Come with me.” He didn’t wait for my response and tugged me out of the garage. I became giddy the closer we got. “I think you’re more excited than the kids were for the dog,” he teased gently.

“That’s because I already know what you got me.”

He raised a brow. “Oh, yeah? Humor me. What did I get you?”

“You bought me another bike.”

He grinned and shook his head. “Good guess, but not quite,” he said as he typed in the garage code. The door eased up, andmy breath caught in my throat. My mouth dried, and my eyes watered as I observed the pieces of Rory’s bike laid out on a tarp. I bent over, picked up the dented fender, and repeatedly flipped it in my hands. My throat constricted, and I told myself not to cry. “According to the insurance company, the bike was a total loss,” Jonathan said. “I could’ve purchased you a new bike or paid to rebuild it, but I thought you’d want to take a crack at it first.”

I laughed through my tears. “If you never wanted to see me again, then that’s all you had to say.”

“I’m fully aware that you might spend some late nights in here after the kids are down for the count.”

“I’m glad you know what you signed up for,” I mumbled, discarding the fender for my saddle bag. “What’s in here?” I asked, clutching the bulky bag to my chest.

“Despite my best efforts, I wasn’t capable of salvaging everything, and from the looks of that…that thing right there—”

“Muffler, Jon… it’s a muffler,” I sighed.

Rory is probably rolling in his grave and rethinking the blessing he gave me to move on.

“That’s what I said. From the looks of the muffler and other parts, you’ll have to replace them.” I unbuckled the straps on the bag while he continued. “I have no idea how much it costs to rebuild a motorcycle, but I hope it’s enough.”

My eyes widened at the bands of cash. “H-how much money is this, Jon?”

“Fifty thousand. If you need more, just let me know. The money came from the $300,000.00 settlement I got you from your accident.”

“Oh, my God, Jon. Besides my children, this is the best gift I’ve ever received.”

He smiled sweetly, and blood flooded his cheeks. “I adore how you think of my children as yours.”

“Of course,” I whispered, kissing his soft lips. My body shuddered when he pulled me close. The kiss deepened, and his hands slid down to grip my ass.