“You should open it last for dramatic effect.”

I nodded before addressing our family and friends. “I can say that this year has been trying for most, if not all, of us. I can confidently say that the good that has come into my life this year far outweighed the bad. We lost some special people we’ll never forget, but from the looks of it, we’ll have someone new joining us very soon in 2024.”

“I hope that’s not a fat joke, Jon,” Simone interjected.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Warner, it’s mind-boggling why you feel the need to make speeches at every family event. Wrap it up, son.”

“Mr. Marcus, I think Santa gave you coal for Christmas,” Kiyah said.

“And Santa and I will step out back and have a gentleman’s chat,” Dad replied.

“I hope Santa isn’t coded for Felicity. If so, keep your left up, Felicity,” Anthony urged.

“I’d end the fight in two words, Anthony James,” Mom boasted.

“Oh, yeah? What’s that?” Dad challenged.

“No prenuptial.”

He sighed. “It’s as they say, it’s cheaper to keep her.”

I rolled my eyes and stood to my feet. “Fine, the speech is over because it looks like half of you aren’t paying attention to a word I’m saying.”

“90% of us,” Kierra corrected. “I’m the 10%.”

“And I love you for that,” I said, pulling her to her feet. “Before we start on these gifts, I need the kids to follow me to the garage for their gifts.”

Kierra pulled me aside. “We have gifts in the garage for the kids?”

“Of course. There’s a gift in the other garage for you.”

Chapter Fifty-Three


My face scrunched in displeasure as I watched our children bounce up and down with glee and smother the new addition to our growing family.

“What is his name?” Casey asked as he damn near choked the dog out.

“I don’t know. You and your siblings need to come together and think of something.”

“Also, can we not be so rough with it?” I interjected. “We need to pet the dog with kind hands.” The last thing I wanted was for one of them to get bitten in the face because they were manhandling the dog. “Jon, I didn’t know we were seriously considering a dog. The last time we spoke, you complained about getting hair on your suits.”

“That’s why the dog is hairless,” he explained with a satisfied smile.

“What kind of dog is it?”

“It’s a Xoloitzcuintli.”

“A Xolo what?”

“A Xoloitzcuintli, also known as the Mexican hairless dog. Xolos are an ancient Aztec breed, and they’re supposedly loyal, alert, protective, and calm-natured. He’ll be great for the kids.”

I was nearly knocked off my feet when Kiyah clutched my legs. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she squealed. I untangled her gently and nudged her in Jonathan’s direction.

“You’re welcome, Ki, but you’re giving me too much credit.”