
“Mr. Jonathan, I’m ready to open presents,” Kiyah whined with an adorable pout on her face.

“Me too,” Casey co-signed.

“I know you guys are, but we’re waiting on Uncle Ant’s family.”

“Can you call them?” Kiyah asked.

“So they can provide me with an inaccurate arrival time and get your hopes up? Yeah, no, thank you.”

“I knew I felt my ears burning,” Anthony grumbled as he entered the living room with a sack full of presents over one shoulder and Nori dangling upside down by her ankle with his free hand.

“Put her down!” Daisy exclaimed as she ran over to save her frenemy, who was giggling her head off, not asking to be saved.

“What’s the matter, Daisy?” he taunted, ignoring how Daisy’s little fists pummeled the side of his leg.

“Put her down!”

“Whoops!” Anthony teased, dropping Nori lower. At that point, her head was only a few inches from hitting the ground.

“Anthony James, if you crack my child’s head on the floor, then—”

“Relax, Simone. It’s Christmas. Be merry,” Anthony drawled, setting Nori gently on the rug. He rolled his eyes when Daisy immediately pounced on Nori.

“I know who isn’t married,” Simone replied cheekily. I snickered when Anthony’s mouth popped open.

She got you there.

“I know, Jonathan and Kierra,” Anthony commented.

“Leave us out of your domestic squabbles,” I laughed, sorting the presents in front of the children.

“Are all these presents for me?” Kiyah squealed.

“Yes, but there are still more to come.”

“These children are spoiled,” Dad complained as he filtered in with his own sack of toys. “Back in my day—”

“No one gives a damn, honey,” Mom interrupted, accepting hugs and kisses from the children.

“Oh, no one gives a damn, huh? I can take these gifts back to the store.”

“That means you’re the Grinch, Granddad!” Casey accused.

“I’ll wear the badge with honor.”

“Where’s Kierra at?” Simone questioned as she settled on the floor behind Nori, who crawled into her lap to escape Daisy.


“I’m here. I’m here. I’m here,” Kierra announced, entering the room with what I could only assume was a large canvas wrapped in green wrapping paper littered with Christmas trees. She placed it in front of me and sat beside me.

“You painted me something?”

“I did.”

“I’m curious to see what it is.”