“It’s perfectly normal. The same thing happened with Kiyah after Rory passed. Grant has an appointment with a therapistafter the holidays; until then, we will support him the best we can.”

“Well, yeah, that was a given,” he said, rolling off me.

“Ms. Kierra? Are you awake?”

“Good morning, Grant. I’ll be right there. Can you wait for me in the bathroom?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I swiftly dressed in a tank top and holiday pajama pants that were candy cane themed.

“I’ll change his bedding while you bathe him,” Jonathan offered before leaving the bedroom.

“Good shit.”

I found Grant dutifully waiting for me in his bathroom. “Good morning. I would’ve turned the water on, but I can’t.”

I smiled at him. “You’re so thoughtful, Grant, but I’m glad you can’t turn the water on because that could pose a safety risk,” I explained, turning on the water.

“I’m sorry for wetting the bed again,” he apologized lowly.

“No apology needed. It happens. But I will say that you need to stop fighting me and your father about wearing the nighttime pull-ups.”

“Pull-ups are for babies like Daisy and Nori!”

“Pull-ups are for anyone who needs them. You know there are adult diapers, too, right?”

“I’m not a baby. I’m not wearing it.”

I rolled my eyes and poured some bubbles into the bathtub along with some toys. “I need you to stop taking them off in the middle of the night.”

I turned to help him into the tub and was glad to find him dumping his soiled clothes into the hamper. “In you go.”

I sat on the toilet and watched him drag a plastic red and white tugboat through a mountain of bubbles. “It’s almost 5:00in the morning. Do you want to help me make breakfast for everyone when you get out?”

He nodded and proceeded to play with his toys.

“Can I ask you for a favor, Grant?”


“I know things between you and your dad have been a little…challenging since Thanksgiving, but in the Spirit of Christmas, can you please be kind to him? Theoretically, you should always be kind to your loved ones, but Christmas is extra special. Losing someone close to you is hard. I should know; I lost my husband, and Kiyah lost her father. But you and your family helped us get through it. Just the other day, Kiyah told me you were the greatest big brother ever.”

“She did?” he asked skeptically.

“She sure did, but I digress. Be kind to your father. Your parents will never be perfect, but they’ll always love you. Your father has given you too much love for you to mistreat and disrespect him like you have been. Do you understand what I’m saying?” He nodded reluctantly. “I need to hear your words, Grant. Do you understand me?”

“Yes…I understand,” he replied in a cool tone.

“Good. Let’s get you bathed and then make breakfast. The quicker we eat, the quicker we can open presents.”

“What did you get me for Christmas, Ms. Kierra?”

“You’ll never find out if you can’t be kind.”

“I can be kind!” he protested.

“We’ll see.”