“Okay, you guys can get a popsicle, but you need to meet Kierra and Kiyah first.”

“Are they really going to live with us?” Grant asked, eyeing Kiyah cautiously. I knew that look very well. It was the same disapproving side-eye Eliza would give.

“Yes, if everything goes according to plan. You’re the eldest, Grant, and I expect you to make Kiyah feel welcome. Do you understand?”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Great. Kiyah, this is Grant, Casey, and Daisy,” I said, introducing my trio to her. I wasn’t surprised when she edged behind my leg.

Our meet and greet was interrupted when Anthony stalked out with Nori in his arms. Her tears had dried up, and the once-bleeding knee was cleaned and bandaged with a Paw Patrol Band-Aid.

“Daisy Baker, we need to have a word with you.”

I rolled my eyes at Anthony’s attempt to intimidate a two-year-old.

“Are we declaring a truce or baby wars?”

“That all depends on Daisy.”

“If my memory serves me correctly, your daughter was the aggressor,” I reminded him. “Nori wrote a check her butt couldn’t cash.”

“Ew. You said butt!” Kiyah exclaimed, giggling from behind me.

“Mhm,” Anthony huffed, setting Nori down on her feet. Almost immediately, Daisy snatched the popsicle out of Nori’s hands, and Nori flopped to the deck dramatically. “Heathens, I tell ya. I’m glad Kierra is here. Maybe she’ll be able to whip these little ones into shape. Ki behaves the best out of them all.”

“Hey! I’m good!” Grant professed.

“Me too!” Casey added.

“Says who?” Anthony taunted.

“Ms. Simone,” Grant spat, defensively crossing his arms over his chest. Anthony crouched down to be at eye level with my eldest.

“That’s because Ms. Simone is—”

“—an amazing human being that I’m lucky to have in my life should be the next words out of your mouth, Anthony James.”

I snorted at the “oh shit” look on Anthony’s face. It was the same look Nori made when she was in deep trouble.

“That’s because Ms. Simone is an amazing human being that I’m lucky to have in my life,” Anthony corrected.

“Much better,” Simone said, laughing as she handed out popsicles. “Nori Rene, get up. We don’t throw tantrums like this.” Nori ignored her mother and reached her arms for Anthony, who was having a hell of a time ignoring her. Since being a parent was still new to Anthony, he was stuck in that overbearing babying phase first-time parents sometimes fell victim to. Typically, parents became less of a sucker by the arrival of the second child. Still, I had a feeling Anthony would only become worse.

Just pick her up, dude. You know you want to.

“I don’t want this one. I want the blue one,” Casey complained.

“There aren’t any blue ones left. You’ll have to figure it out with Grant,” Simone reasoned.

“Granny, can I—”

“Nope!” Grant denied before taking a chomp out of his icy treat.

“Why not?” Casey moaned, following his older brother to the trampoline.