“You can count on me!” he exclaimed.

“Why am I not in charge?” Grant asked as I pulled myself off the floor. He was confused—lips curled up, and brows knitted together.

“Sometimes we have to share responsibilities. I’m going to check on Kierra. I’ll be back.”

I left the bustling living room for my office, where Kierra rested peacefully. I took a detour when the doorbell rang and cursed myself for not ensuring the gate was closed when the responding officers left.

“Who’s at the door, Jon? It better not be you-know-who because we’re not calling the police this time,” my mother warned with venom dripping in her tone. I checked the video monitor and was surprised to see four officers.

Maybe they want to provide me with an update?

“Good evening, officers. How may I help you all?”

“Evening. My name is Officer Talbot. Are you Mr. Jonathan Baker?”

“Yes, sir,” I responded in a clipped tone.

“We are performing a welfare check for Grant, Casey, and Daisy Baker.”

This woman will never learn her lesson…

“Let me guess. You were contacted by my ex-wife, Eliza Baker, who I have a restraining order against, who is not allowed within one hundred yards of me, and who has a felony charge for falsifying a police report and reporting a false kidnapping. Is that who called you?”

The officers fidgeted where they stood and shot uneasy glances at each other. They at least had the decency to look uncomfortable.

“You’d be correct.”

“What is my false-reporting ex-wife alleging?”

“She’s alleging that their nanny, Kierra Houston, is physically abusing your children.”

A few chuckles escaped me before I was crying from laughter. I waved the officers in and approached my curious family.

“Jon, what’s going on?” Anthony asked, pulling himself up from the couch and retrieving his cane.

“Sh-she called a welfare check—sorry, I can’t stop laughing,” I paused, wiping away my tears. “Apparently, the children are being abused by Kierra.”

“That’s some bullshit!” Simone yelled.

“Language,” Anthony teased, earning a heated glare from her. She mouthed something to him that I couldn’t quite catch.

“I’m with Simone. This is preposterous! Kierra loves and adores these children. She doesn’t hit them! She wouldneverdo such a thing,” she argued. “You all are nothing more than the Gestapo, marching in here under some madwoman’s orders, ruining my family’s Thanksgiving!” Mom shrilled, waking up my father.

“Felicity…woman…” he groaned groggily until he opened his eyes, noticing the squirming officers. “What is the meaningof this?” he queried, dumping Nori on the couch. He stood, smoothing out the wrinkles in his dress shirt.

“Dad, this is Officer Talbot. Eliza called the police to check on the children, alleging mistreatment by Kierra.”

“Absolutely not. Get out of here. I’m disappointed in you, Jonathan. You shouldn’t have let them in the house in the first place. You have rights, you know.”

“I know but having it on record that multiple officers have confirmed that my children are happy and safe afteranotherfalse allegation looks great in court.” I turned to Officer Talbot. “From left to right, there’s Grant, Casey, and Daisy.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Baker. Is Ms. Houston on the premises?” another cop asked.

“She goes byMrs.Houston,” I corrected.

“My apologies. Is Mrs. Houston available for me to get a statement from her?”

I shook my head. “I’m sorry. Considering the circumstances, we can agree that I’ve been more than cooperative, but I won’t budge on this. She was involved in a severe motorcycle accident a few days ago and is recuperating. She’s not to be disturbed. If you want to talk to her, then get a warrant. But based off of today’s interaction, I’m assuming there isn’t a need for one.”