Jonathan cleared his throat from beside me as he raised his glass to his father. “Um…you’re welcome, Dad. You’ll always have a seat at the table.”

I glanced at the adults around the table and observed their reaction to Marcus’ heartfelt speech. Felicity dabbed at the corners of her eyes with the linen napkin that was once draped in her lap, Simone blew her nose, and Anthony’s eyes were swimming with emotions.

“I guess I’ll go next,” Felicity offered, standing to her feet. “I’m thankful to see the next generation of Bakers and Powells grow. Twenty years from now, when we’re old, decrepit, or buried in our graves, these children will still be surrounded by love, friendship, and laughter. Well, that’s my hope anyway. Simone and Kierra, I may have just met the two of you a few days ago, but the difference you’ve made in Anthony and Jonathan’s lives is obvious. Their handsome smiles have returned, and I know I no longer have to worry about them. Kierra, sweetheart, thank you for taking such good care of my grandbabies and loving them as your own. I didn’t forget about Nori and Kiyah. Whenever they are ready, they can call me Grandma, too.”

“You’re welcome,” I mumbled, trying to not allow the guilt I felt around my parents to consume me.

I need to stop being a pussy and rip the Band-Aid off.

During Simone’s speech, Jonathan left to speak to the officers who responded to the trespassing call. Like the others, her Thanksgiving speech was touching and brought tears to my eyes. Grant handed me his dinner napkin before sliding out ofthe seat and returning to the children’s table. Jonathan returned right as Anthony was wrapping up his speech.

“Is everything okay?” I whispered.

“She took off before they arrived. She left a voicemail telling me I’d regret not letting her see the kids, but no one invited her. I called her sister several times and left messages that Grant wanted to speak to her. That was not an invitation to come over here.”

I nodded.

“If it’s any consolation, I think you handled the situation perfectly.”

He smiled, and this time, it reached his eyes. “Thank you, Kierra.”

“Jonathan, do you want to go next?” Felicity asked.

“Sure,” he agreed as he stood to address the family. “I am thankful for everyone in this room who has offered unconditional love, support, and encouragement. You all have played an intricate role in my life, from the oldest to the youngest. Dad, while you may have been heavy-handed, I never faulted you for that. You were always there when I needed you, and that’s what mattered.” He chuckled. “I remember how anxious I was before taking the bar exam. I called you and I was damn near in tears. I could’ve called Mom or Anthony, but I needed you because I felt if you somehow transferred a tiny bit of your confidence to me through the phone, I’d be all right. You told me I was a Baker, and Bakers didn’t fail, and if I did—”

“Then I would kick your ass, and you’d retake it until you got it right,” Marcus finished with a smirk.

“I finished my exam and was stunned to find you waiting in the parking lot. You told me to get in the car because we were going to eat a steak and smoke cigars. It was the best fucking steak I ever had, and I’m thankful that you always picked up when I called. Mom, thank you for being you—kind,patient, courageous, and generous. You always give so much and rarely expect anything in return. Thank you for stopping to save a perfect stranger.” His eyes flicked to me. “If it weren’t for you…I…I…well, this day and every day after would’ve looked different for me—for all of us. Anthony, I’m not thankful for your friendship.”

Anthony’s mouth, along with everyone else’s, for that matter, popped open in shock.

“I’m thankful for your brotherhood. You are more than a friend to me. You’ve always been my brother, coming to my rescue or sticking up for me when I couldn’t stick up for myself. Simone, it was by design that we crossed paths. When I met you, you’d given up all hope, but I’m thankful that you trusted me and gave Anthony another chance because, as my mother mentioned, you brought Anthony’s smile back. He loves you dearly, and I’m honored to be able to witness your happy beginning. Thank you for helping me with the kids and picking up my slack. You never complained and was there when I needed you, rain or shine.”

“It was my pleasure, Jon,” she said, lifting her glass of sparkling grape juice.

“To the children.” They perked up once they realized they were being addressed. “You all teach me just as much as I teach you guys. I love each of you, and I work hard so that someday you don’t have to. It’s my hopes and dreams that the five of you, plus the one in utero, will lean on each other because, despite DNA, you all are family.”

He finally turned to me.

“Kierra…I’m thankful that you didn’t give up at lawyer number sixteen. We met under unimaginable circumstances, but it is my belief that you and Kiyah found a forever family with us. Thank you for opening your heart and pouring into me. You made a mistake when you taught me what love reallyis because I’ll never let you or Kiyah go. I’m marrying you next year, perhaps in the spring when it’s not too hot and the flowers start to bloom.”

Tears spilled from my eyes again. “Don’t I have a say?” I joked.

“You do. All you have to say is ‘yes.’ No isn’t an option.”


“Your accident was one of the scariest moments of my life, but I never want you to stop riding.”

My eyes widened in surprise. We hadn’t discussed it, but I figured Jonathan would never be comfortable seeing me with a helmet on my head again.

“You love riding, and my fear shouldn’t hold you back from it. Plus…I love the leather pants.”

We laughed, and the laughter grew when Felicity mumbled under her breath how her son had a one-track mind.

“In conclusion, I love you. I love my bonus child and can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us.”

The adults clapped as Jonathan took his seat, and I was pleased when I received another kiss.