
“Let’s take a family picture before we dig in,” Mom said excitedly as we gathered around the dining room table.

“Felicity…the pictures can wait; however, my stomach cannot,” Dad insisted.

“I beg to differ, Marcus,” she drawled as she herded the children into the spot she determined had the best lighting. “Come on. Come on, everyone. The faster we take the pictures; the sooner Granddad can eat.”

“He’s not going to eat the whole turkey, is he?” Casey asked.

She grabbed Casey by the shoulders and looked into his eyes. “It’s 50/50. Now, make sure you show me those pearly whites, okay?” she said, tipping his chin.

Casey nodded enthusiastically and stood proudly beside Grant, whose scowl nearly touched the ground. He wasn’t a fan, but that didn’t stop my mother from taking several photos.

“Okay, now everyone else,” she expressed, wildly motioning with her hands. “Move over here behind Kierra so we can get her in the photo.”

“Actually…I’d prefer to sit this one out if you don’t mind.”

“Nonsense, Kierra. You’re part of the family.”

“I’d rather not,” Kierra replied, motioning to her face. The bruising had settled in, and one of her eyes was still slightly bloodshot from the accident.

“It’s a beautiful face,” my mother protested.

“Normally, yes, but not so much at the moment. I’ll be in the picture for Christmas.”

“But what if we got your good side?”

“Mom,” I said with a warning before Kierra cut me off.

“It’s fine. It’s fine. Let’s hurry and take the picture. I think I can hear Marcus’ stomach from here,” she joked, relieving some of the tension.

“I’m glad someone is acknowledging my pain,” he grunted.

“Yeah, Nori looks like she wants to dive into the mashed potatoes,” Simone commented beside Anthony. He wrapped an arm around her and tugged her close, which gave me an idea.

“Of course, she does. I made them,” Anthony insisted.

“Ant, you only peeled them,” Simone reminded him.

“Yeah, that’s enough out of you,” he said playfully, covering her mouth with a hand.

“On three, everyone, say Happy Thanksgiving! One…two…”

I tapped Kierra on her shoulder. She turned her head to look at me, and I kissed her. I could tell I had taken her by shock initially, but it wasn’t long before she returned my affection. “I love you,” she whispered against my lips. “Always.”

“I love you, too.”

“Who knew you could be such a romantic, Jon?” Mom cooed.

“I did,” Kierra volunteered gleefully. Despite the broad smile, I could sense her fatigue—see it in her eyes that while she wanted to spend time with her family, the bed was calling her name.

“I don’t know where he got it from because he certainly doesn’t get it from his father,” Mom whispered.

“I heard that,” Dad commented as he sliced the turkey. I ignored my parents’ banter and maneuvered down the table of Thanksgiving favorites, fixing Kierra’s plate as quickly as I could.

The sooner she eats, the sooner she’s in bed.

Arguing erupted behind me, and I turned just in time to see Grant shove Casey out of his chair at the children’s table.