“Will he be upset? Ehhh, it’s hard to say, but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that he’ll be floored by your announcement. He’ll love it.”

The pitter-patter of feet interrupted us. “Ms. Simone, Nori told me no, and she did this.” Kiyah paused to demonstrate ‘fuck you.’

Simone plastered a wide smile on her face and passed the straightener through another section of hair. “Thank you, Kiyah. Tell Nori I’ll be down there with the slipper.”

I snickered at the thought of Nori’s face when she received Simone’s threat. Simone was sugar, spice, and everything nice, but she was also big on discipline, unlike her fiancé.

“Mama,” Nori panted, flinging herself into the bathroom. “Mama…love you,” Nori said, signing her little hands like rapid fire.

Simone shook her head in disappointment. “I love you, too, baby girl. But I told you to stop that cussing. Where are your bows?”

I smirked when Nori dry-snitched and signed ‘Daisy’ without speaking.

That’s how you know she’s lying.

“Uh-huh. Sit on the toilet and wait for your turn.” Nori pouted before hoisting herself onto the toilet. She huffed and puffed, continuously shoving her black ringlets from her face. “That is so fine. I’m about to braid that hair up. You’ll look like one of the girls on theJust for Meboxes.”

“Please stop, Simone,” I laughed, holding my side.

“With the side ponytail and everything.”

“J-just put a headband on her,” I suggested.

“All she’s gonna do is rip it off, just like she did those bows and tried to blame it on Daisy.”

“You know…when they grow up, I want them to go to colleges on opposite coasts.”

“Opposite coasts?” Simone snorted. “The way Anthony is, Nori would be lucky to make it out of our zip code. The other day, he told me about a college they’re building nearby and how it’d be convenient for Nori to go to school and stay home. Now, don’t get me wrong. Nori is more than welcome to stay home, but I want her to get the full college experience I never got.”

I nodded in understanding, but I felt the opposite. I wanted Kiyah to stay as close as possible because a part of me feared she’d develop wanderlust and take off like I did. It’d be my karma.

Another child entered the bathroom.

“Granddad told me to tell you all that dinner will be ready in five minutes. Do not be late,” Grant said stiffly. He turned to Kiyah and tugged gently on one of her ponytails. She popped his hand in response.

“You’re supposed to ask before touching my hair.”

Grant’s cheeks reddened slightly. “I apologize. I like your hair.”

“Thank you. Mr. Jonathan did it.”

“May I touch your hair again?”

Kiyah smiled at him before giving him a firm ‘no’ and skipped out of the bathroom in her brown corduroy dress, cream turtleneck and tights, and brown penny loafers.

Grant’s back went ramrod straight before he stormed out of the bathroom. Simone snorted.

“You’re talking about Daisy and Nori, but those two need to be separated down the line. Grant will smother Kiyah by being the protective older brother, and she’ll resent him.”

“Maybe, but only time will tell. Do you have any baby names picked out?”

“Oh! I’m glad you asked!”

The next few minutes consisted of me eagerly nodding or grimacing at some of her choices. But there were a few winners in the mix. It got me thinking.

I need to start thinking of boy names. I’m speaking it into existence.

Chapter Forty-Seven