“We don’t do that! That’s bad—very bad,” Simone told Nori, signing the word ‘bad’ repeatedly. “If I see it again, you’ll go to timeout.”

Nori’s mouth popped open when Simone signed ‘timeout.’

“Apologize to Daisy and go find something safe to do.”

I rolled my eyes when Daisy grinned in Nori’s face as she waited for her apology. Nori’s little face reddened to the point that I started to become concerned. Her tiny fingers twitched at her sides, and I could see her contemplating her life choices in her head.

Knock the shit-eating grin off Daisy’s face or a five-minute timeout?

“Sorry,” Nori huffed, signing her apology.

The familiar sound of Anthony’s cane hitting the floor distracted me as the kids teleported to the living room.

“And you,” Simone said, whirling around to confront Anthony, who had already made his grand escape out the back door. Her shoulders slumped, and she rolled her eyes. “If you wake up in the morning and Anthony’s sleeping on your couch, then you already know what it is.”

“I would offer him a guest room, but we’re a little pressed for space,” I admitted.

“Right…um…have you considered getting a bigger house?” Simone asked, pulling out the food items from the bags.

“No. Why? It meets our current needs. All the kids have their bedrooms; I have mine, and Kierra has hers.”

“Simone might be onto something, Jon. What if you and Kierra decide to have more children? You’ll need the extra space,” my mother interjected.

“Well…I’ll consider it if the time comes, but I have a feeling that won’t be for a while,” I mumbled, observing the girls from the kitchen. Nori sat on the floor, watching TV, and Daisy was climbing on the back of the couch, looking like a predator ready to strike.

“Felicity, there are enough children running around the house as it is. Everywhere I turn, I feel like I’m stepping over a child. Don’t encourage him. If Jonathan wasn’t good at anything in his life, it’s procreating, my God,” Dad complained. Mom tsked.

“I just don’t know where he gets his little breeding kink from.”

Simone snorted as she poured herself a glass of chocolate milk, nearly spilling it.

“Do you think it’s because he was an only child?” Mom asked curiously.

“I don’t know, but some pretentious shrink would probably tell you he has an inferiority complex or mommy and daddyissues,” Dad huffed, accepting a glass of bourbon from my mother.

“Hi, I’m still here,” I reminded them as they casually discussed my family planning.

“Yes, we see you, Warner,” Dad drawled.

“He could be a sex addict,” Mom suggested.

They narrowed their eyes at me inquisitively before shaking their heads.

“On that note, I’m leaving to save Nori from a broken neck.”

I moved swiftly to the living room but was too late. Daisy flew off the back of the couch like a wrestler off the top rope. Nori rolled out of the way at the last minute, and Daisy collided with the floor in a crumpled heap. Nori hovered over Daisy with a smirk on her face, signed ‘fuck you’ once more and booked it for the kitchen to her mama.

“Are you okay, Daisy?” Casey asked. Daisy wheezed in response.

“Daisy might need to go to the hospital,” Kiyah mentioned.

“Let her suffer. She did it to herself.”

“You’re a meanie, Grant,” she chastised.

“But I’m not wrong.”

The fuck is wrong with these kids?