“Of course. I’ll see you soon.”

“Thank you.”

I performed the handoff and picked up Kierra’s gift from the floor.

“I didn’t expect her to react like that,” I said, setting the bag on the nightstand.

“I didn’t think I looked that bad,” she mumbled as she smoothed her fingers over her marred face. It was littered with deep scratches, cuts, and bruises—some gashes requiring stitches. She had a black eye, and the other was bloodshot. Blood crusted her bottom lip from when she bit into it when she hit the pavement.

“You’re still the most beautiful woman in the world,” I expressed, setting the gift bag on the nightstand.

“Always the smooth talker. Come on the other side. Let me see you.”

“Is there something wrong with your vision?” I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“It’s a little blurry, but the nurse said it’s to be expected, but to let them know if it worsens. Did you get any sleep last night?”

“I dozed off at my desk for nearly half an hour,” I answered, softly gripping her hand.

“Will you get some sleep tonight? We both can’t be out of commission.”

“I’ll try, but I can’t make any promises.”

“I’ll take it.”

I leaned over and pulled her breakfast tray closer to her. She stubbornly pushed it away, but I wasn’t in the mood for her bullshit and pulled it back.

“You need to eat something.”

“I’m nauseated. I don’t think I’ll keep anything down.”

“Do your best,” I encouraged, opening her milk. I observed her sample her oatmeal before trying the toast.

“I like your mother.”

“My mother is very fond of you as well. She said you are the most entertaining, nearly dying woman she’s ever met.”

“That’s a relief. But can we talk about Marcus Baker?”

“What about him?” I asked, dreading what she might say. My father wasn’t everyone’s favorite person—not even my mother’s.

“Let’s just say I’m looking forward to seeing you in twenty years,” she mumbled with a tiny smirk. “Tell your mother, I get it.”

“The drugs are clearly making you delusional because there’s no way you’re talking about my father in such a manner,” I huffed.

“Relax. You should take it as a compliment, considering you’re his spitting image.”

“You know what I do take as a compliment?”


“That you think I have superstar dick.”

Kierra closed her eyes and sighed. “Oh, my God. I said that in front of your mother.”

“Yeah, you did,” I chuckled, laughing at her embarrassment. My laughter died down when I noticed the far-off look in her eyes.

“I planned on taking the back roads home, but I realized I’d been gone for a while and decided to take the highway so I could get home quicker.”