“Um…I’ll take a water.”

“Are you sure? You were eyeing that sangria pretty hard.”

“I shouldn’t. I’m here for an interview.”

“Relax, Kierra. It’s a barbecue. Jonathan wouldn’t have called me and asked me to bring “the good stuff” if he was opposed to you drinking.”

“The good stuff?”

“This is the best wine I’ve ever had,” Simone professed, plucking a bottle of white wine from the wine fridge. “Anthony ordered crates of it for me as a birthday gift. The wine cellar is full of it.”

“Wine cellar? Those words are outside my tax bracket.”

We shared a laugh until we were interrupted by a string of cursing.

“Language, Anthony!”

“Sorry. Where’s the first aid kit?” he asked, entering the kitchen, with a crying child on his shoulder.

“What happened to Nori?” she gasped, taking the child from him.

“Daisy got her revenge for that smack to the head yesterday.”

Simone rolled her eyes before examining Nori. “These girls won’t stop until they kill each other,” she complained, setting her on the counter. “The first aid kit is in the laundry room.”

Anthony limped past us like a man on a mission.

“Let me help,” I volunteered, grabbing a paper towel off the roll. I soaked it with warm water, rang it out, and gave it to Simone.

“Uh oh, Mommy. She’s bleeding,” Kiyah informed.

“I know, baby. Do me a favor and sit on the stool so you’re not in the way.”

Anthony returned a few moments later with a first aid kit and a popsicle. He handed the red popsicle to Nori, who snatched it and gnawed on it without hesitation. Her tears slowed considerably. I stared at Nori and couldn’t ignore the scary resemblance between her and her father. They both sported wavy dark hair and had eyes the color of cool steel.

“Oh! Anthony, this is Kierra and Kiyah,” Simone introduced as she dabbed at the cut on Nori’s knee with an antiseptic wipe.

“Welcome to the jungle, I guess,” he grunted before continuing to hover over Simone, watching her every move.

Rude ass.

“Anthony,” Simone sighed. “Back up and greet them appropriately and make them feel welcomed. I know you’re concerned about Nori, but her kneecap didn’t fall off, and her injury doesn’t give you the right to be rude.”

“My bad,” he mumbled before kissing her cheek and giving her some breathing room. “I’m sorry for being untoward, Kierra. I tend to get tunnel vision when it comes to my girls,” he said, holding his hand out. I shook it politely and smiled, choosing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

“I get it. Being a parent can be scary sometimes.”

“Exactly. Kiyah, right?” he asked, addressing my daughter. She waved at him shyly and continued to suck down her juice. “I didn’t ask, but would you like a popsicle, too?”

“Yes, please,” Kiyah answered politely.

“What color?”

“Red,” she piped up.

“My favorite. I’ll be right back, and then we can head out back for you guys to meet the Baker Gang.”
