I’m shocked, but I shouldn’t be. I’ve been letting Jonathan come in me gratuitously over the last few weeks. Condom use was encouraged when we remembered, but that wasn’t often.

“Does Jonathan know about the baby?”

“Not unless the doctor called him up and told him within the last hour. Jonathan had gone home to check on Kiyah and the kids and to shower. He should be back any minute. Congratulations?”

“Thank you,” I replied, still in shock.

“Are you going to break the news when he returns?”



“I’d like to wait until after the custody case. That should be close to the end of my first trimester.”

“Why wait, if you don’t mind me asking?” Simone pressed.

“I don’t want Jonathan stressing more than he already is.”

“If anything, I think the baby would lift his spirits. God knows he loves children, or at least he loves making them.”

“He’s going to be worried about me and the court case—not to mention we have the holidays coming up.”

Simone’s lips slid into a sly smirk. “Oh, I get it. You don’t want Jonathan hovering.”

“That too.”

“No, I get it 100%. Anthony’s like a tick that I can’t get off my back. It can be annoying at times, but I’d take a man who is deeply concerned about my health and well-being over one that didn’t give a damn any day of the week.”

“Facts,” I mumbled.

“Also, we’re interviewing nannies as soon as you’re discharged because, between all of us, we have—” Simone paused to count on her fingers. “Seven kids, including the ones in utero.”

I cracked a painful smile. “We make horrible nannies.”

“Hmph. We can’t help that our employers couldn’t resist themselves.”

We laughed until pain struck my side.

“Where is this call button? I need drugs,” I mumbled, staring at my arm nestled in the arm sling.

I remember Felicity mentioning that my arm was broken.

“Oh, my God,” I gasped.

“What’s the matter?” Simone worried.

“I…I was leaving Jonathan a voice message when I couldn’t get ahold of him, and I guess the blood loss was getting to me, and I became a little loopy. Why did I tell that man he had superstar dick right in front of his mother?”

Simone bent over with her hands on her knees and laughed until she cried. “Girl, what?”

“I told him he had superstar dick and that I loved him.”

“Wow. That’s embarrassing. What a way to meet your in-laws, huh?”

“You’re telling me,” I groaned, adjusting in bed. “What other injuries do I have besides the broken arm?”

“They had to pull some metal out of your side that knicked a few organs. You had kidney damage, but they were able to repair it. The rest were minor cuts and bruises. You got lucky, Kierra.”