I quickly located the voice message from Kierra when my mother said something that caught my attention.

“What did you just say?”

Her eyes widened at my stern tone. “E-excuse me?”

“What did you just say?” I repeated.

“I said I found it odd that Kierra was more concerned about that silly bike than herself.”

“The bike…what condition was the bike in?”

“It was in pieces on the highway. I’m no mechanic, but I don’t believe it’s salvageable.”

“That motorcycle wasn’t asillybike, and I would appreciate it if you would refrain from calling it such,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Jon,” she whispered. “You never take this tone with me. What’s wrong?”

“Kierra’s husband died, and the bike belonged to him.” She gasped, and my angry tears returned as I thought about how devastated and guilt-ridden Kierra would be if she survived. “She planned on keeping the bike in the family and eventually passing it on to Kiyah.”

“I’m sorry, Jon,” she said softly as she rubbed my back.

“Can you please change your fucking clothes? I can smell her blood on you,” I said through my tears.

“I—excuse me while I get cleaned up. I’ll be back in a moment.”

The echoes of my mother’s hurried feet struck another pang of guilt in me. She’d been nothing but kind and helpful. She was a fucking hero, and I’d been treating her like shit.

I’ll apologize when she returns, but first…

I put my phone to my ear to listen to Kierra’s message. I could hear sirens in the background as my mother whispered words of encouragement to her.


My bad for not getting back with the Pedialyte.

No, ma’am, come back and finish talking to my son. I know you have more to say than that!

I started hysterically crying and laughing in the emergency room waiting room. I had barely registered the curious glances from those who waited to hear the fate of their loved ones.

I’m tired, Felicity.

I know, honey, but pull yourself together.

You’re bossy.

I’m sure you don’t take anything lying down. Keep those eyes open for me.

Jon…I’m probably fine, but if I’m not, I want you to know that I listed you as the beneficiary of my estate and the trusts for Kiyah. I…I know it’s a lot to ask, but will you raise Kiyah for me? I understand if you can’t. You didn’t sign up to be a single parent to four children, but she already looks up to you as a father, and she thinks of the kids as her siblings. I think my parents will take her in, which reminds me…I still haven’t called them. Tell Kiyah I’m sorry…for the bike. Tell the kids that I love them. Thank Simone and Anthony for being such good friends. Lastly, thank you for being everything I needed—a lawyer, friend, lover, voice of reason, and a loan shark.

Loan shark? What does that mean?

You don’t want to know, Felicity.

I wiped away snot on the back of my hand.

One last thing before I go—wait. Felicity, close your ears. I want you to know that you have superstar dick and I love you.

Oh, my God. I wish I never heard that!