“Oh? You’re meeting the Bakers…interesting.”

“I called for reassurance, but you’re not helping.”

“Sorry. Those weren’t my intentions. I’m gonna be straight with you, Kierra. Jonathan is a spoiled brat, no matter what he tells you. Mr. Baker is a hard ass, but Jonathan wouldn’t be as driven if it weren’t for his father pushing him.”

“Jonathan mentioned something about how his father wasn’t thrilled that he went into personal injury.”

“It’s true. Mr. Baker felt that Jonathan was playing it safe. He knows that Jonathan is brilliant and can accomplish more, but instead of saying that it translates as disappointment. Mrs. Baker is a nagger and treats Jonathan like a child. Our fraternity would host Parent’s Day, and Jonathan wore a blush all day because his mother would fawn over him like he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.”

“And he is.”

“You’re biased,” Anthony accused.

“How so?”

“Yeah, your elevator doesn’t reach the top floor, either. Y’all are perfect together,” he huffed.

I laughed and ashed my cigarette.

“Is there anything I should be worried about?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you think…do you think they’ll approve of me?”

I tensed up when he sighed.

“Kierra…just be yourself, and you have nothing to be worried about. Like myself, they hated Eliza and will be happy as long as their only son is loved and treated right.”

The self-doubt began to ebb away. “Thanks, Ant. I needed to hear that.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll call to speak to Nori tonight before bed.”

“Sounds good. Tell Simone we’re thinking of her. Get some rest.”

“Will do.”

* * *

I stared up at the sky as warmth blurred my vision. My chest felt heavy. I could barely catch my breath. It happened so fast. The driver was impatient and clipped me going over 50 miles an hour. Pain had exploded through my body when I landed on the pavement and skidded to a halt several yards from my bike. I cried when I rolled onto my side—everything hurt.

Rory’s bike….

“Ma’am, don’t get up,” a woman rushed out. “Marcus, did you get the driver’s license plate before they sped off?”

“I did. I’m on the phone with 9-1-1 now.”

Tears spilled from my eyes as I attempted to inch toward the crumpled debris that was scattered on the highway.

I lost Rory’s bike.

“What’s your name, honey? My name’s Felicity, and I used to be a nurse back in my day. I know you’re concerned about your motorcycle, but it’s just a bike. Your safety is more important. You’re losing blood, and I need to get pressure on these wounds.”

It’s not just a bike…

I blinked rapidly when she snapped in my face. “Your name?”
