“Thank you. Have a good day,” the cashier wished, handing me my receipt.

“You too,” I replied, grabbing my items.

Kierra:That’s a long way to say you’re a mama’s boy.

Jon:…I am not.

Kierra:Whatever you say. Are they staying for dinner?

Jon:They tend to wear out their welcome.

Kierra:I hope they like chicken noodle soup.

Jon:Beggars can’t be choosers. By the way, Grant and Kiyah are in time-out. They were arguing over the baby monitor, and by the time I arrived, they were engaged in a shoving match.

Kierra:You put them in time-out? They’re sick.

Jon:Kierra…if they’re well enough to yell and shove, then they’re well enough to be in time-out.

He got me there.

Kierra:Understood. I’ll be a little later than expected. The store doesn’t have the Pedialyte. I have to go to another one.

Jon:Thanks for the update. Ride safe.


Self-doubt reared its ugly head. I never had to “meet the parents” before, and thinking about impressing Jonathan’s blue-blood parents was daunting. I understood how these things went. Typically, wealthy people married within the circle, and until a couple of weeks ago, I was so far out of the circle that I wasn’t even on the same page.

I reached into my saddlebag and retrieved a pack of cigarettes.

I know…nasty habit, but I’m having one of those moments.

I dialed Anthony’s number and wasn’t surprised when he picked up on the first ring.

“Hey, Kierra. Is Nori all right?”

“She’s still under the weather, but I’m happy to report she’s faring better than the rest of the children.”

“That’s my girl,” Anthony sighed tiredly.

“How’s Simone?”

“Simone’s on the mend. She’s keeping liquid down and will have solid food for dinner if she’s up for it.”

“Good to hear. We meant to send flowers, but—”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m glad you didn’t. I wouldn’t want to lug them all the way to the car. We’ll pick up Nori after Simone is discharged.”

“You don’t have to. We don’t mind keeping her longer while you and Simone recuperate. You haven’t left Simone’s side and need some rest.”

There was a pause on the line.

“Are you still there, Anthony?” I asked after an inhale.

“I’m still here. Thank you for doing this for us, Kierra. I’m sorry the kids are sick.”

“If you really want to apologize, then you’ll give me the 411 on Jonathan’s parents.”