“Last I checked, I only owed $10k.”

“How did you come up with that number?” I asked.

“I did some unthinkable things to you while you slept Saturday night,” Kierra playfully confessed.

“That’s why I woke up so refreshed,” I teased, groaning when she kissed me.

“I’m sorry for being a little snappish.”

“It’s fine,” I reassured her. “Do you need help with their baths?”

We looked at Nori, who was still squirming and whining as she slept.

“No. I got it. You should get going before Kiyah pages you again.”

“I know. I feel like a drug dealer in the nineties.”

“You’re not about that life, Jon,” she called after me as I left to run a bath for Daisy.

“I think I’d fair all right. I’d be the guy at the top funding the operation. I’d never have to get my hands dirty.”

“And Anthony would be your right-hand man, laundering your money,” Kierra added.

No argument there.

“Mr. Jonathan?” the baby monitor crackled.

“I’ll be there in a minute, Kiyah.”

“Casey is awake now, and he wants crackers and ginger ale, and he threw up, too.”

“Did he make the bucket?”


I blew a drawn-out raspberry.

“Is it in the bed?”

“No…it’s on the floor.”

“Okay. I’ll be back with snacks and cleaning supplies.”

“Roger that,” she replied feebly.

“Over and out.”

* * *

My phone rang while I poured ginger ale into sippy cups. I answered without looking and cursed myself for being so distracted when my mother’s voice crooned through the speaker.


It’s never good news when she starts a conversation with my middle name.

“Hello, Mother. How are you?”

“Perplexed, if you can believe it.”