“How much?”

“Hmmm, $30k should do it.”

I turned to face her fully. “Let me get this straight. You balked at spending $30k on a purse, but you’re willing to throw it away at the casino?”

“There’s always a chance I could double or triple my money in the casino.”

“Are you proficient at poker?”

“I learned from the best,” she insisted.

“If you say so. Good thing I had money wired to the casino beforehand.”

Minutes later, I finished processing our transaction and dumped Kierra’s chips into her clutch. I’d barely dropped the last chip when she raced off.

“Good luck!”

“I don’t need luck!” she shouted back as she snaked through the tables.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


“I’m sorry. He was supposed to fold,” I said, pouting as we entered the rental.

“What happened to you learning from the best?” Jonathan scoffed.

“I did! I don’t know what happened!”

“Kierra…honey…you went all in on a two-pair,” Jonathan drawled as he climbed the stairs.

“They were a high two pair! I had two Aces. He was supposed to take my bluff.”

“Well, he didn’t. He saw right through you,” Jonathan sarcastically replied as he undid his tie. “Thirty thousand down the drain, just like that.”

“I’ll pay you back,” I said, kicking off my heels and unzipping my dress.”

“I don’t want your money.”

“Well, how did you do on the slots?”

“You don’t even want to know,” he chuckled, falling into bed.

“You know what this means, right?” I asked, straddling his lap.

“What does it mean?”

His lips connected with mine, and his hands kneaded my ass before I could reply. Reluctantly, I pulled away; however, Jonathan made it clear he wasn’t done with me.

“It means….”

My mouth gaped as his lips skimmed my neck until he found that tiny spot below my ear that made me shudder.

“What does it mean, Kierra?” he murmured, pulling my dress to my waist. I sucked in a breath when he tweaked my nipples, effectively sending pulsating ripples down below.

“It means…we have to go back tomorrow and win our money back.”

Jonathan snorted, and I couldn’t blame him.