I should fuck the shit out of him, but that would be toxic, and I might confuse the poor man. He’s going through enough as it is.

I stayed outside and avoided Jonathan for another hour as I gathered myself. I didn’t want to fight—life was too precious and fleeting to be mad at the person you loved. The last time I fought with Rory, he never came back.

I won’t make that same mistake twice.

I entered the house and found Jonathan nursing a beer at the kitchen island.

“You want one?” he asked.

“I won’t turn it down.”

He left the stool to retrieve another bottle from the refrigerator, popped the cap, and slid it down the marblecountertop to me. I drained half the bottle before I put Jonathan out of his misery.

“They took her in for the 5150.”

“Thank God,” Jonathan whispered, shoulders sinking in relief.

“Yeah…thank God.”

“Kierra…I’m sorry,” Jonathan said earnestly.

“I know.”

“No…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lied. I did it because I didn’t want to ruin our trip. I shouldn’t have even engaged with her. I had options. I could’ve informed law enforcement or called her sister, but I didn’t. I’m enabling her—I know it, but I don’t want my kids to look back and wonder if I did enough. They love her, but unfortunately, Eliza’s actions don’t mirror that. It’s not my desire to keep them from her, but…she’s unwell.”

“I can appreciate that, but Eliza created this mess, and she has to live with the consequences.”

He nodded before polishing off his beer.

“This 5150 will not help her case.”

“Jonathan, this is the time to be honest with yourself and rip off the Band-Aid. Elizah doesn’t want your kids. Like you said, her actions aren’t lining up. I won’t even be surprised if she doesn’t show up for the custody hearing. I forgive you, Jon, and I can be patient when it comes to the mother of your children and some of her antics, but I can’t be complacent. I’m putting you on notice now. If this becomes a situation where Kiyah’s safety is in jeopardy, then I will leave. I love you, Jonathan, but I love my daughter more.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


I love you, Jonathan, but I love my daughter more.

She loves me. That’s all I wanted to hear, but the moment is bittersweet.

Kierra sighed heavily and mumbled obscenities under her breath. “I’m sorry, Jon. I didn’t mean…I didn’t want to tell you like that. Are you okay?”

“I don’t know. Your love confession was overshadowed by the threat of you leaving me,” I replied, smiling ruefully.

“I’m sorry. I fucked up,” she apologized, tucking a lock of her shortened hair behind her ear.

“Do you mean it?”

“Which part?”

“Do you love me?”

“I do,” she whispered, making my heart hang heavy in my chest. I felt my issues with Eliza would worsen before they got better, and Kierra would have to make good on her promise.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”