I remained silent as she cried softly over the phone. “Oh, God. Thank you so much, Mr. Baker.”

“Jonathan…please…call me Jonathan.”

“God. I don’t think you realize how much this means to me. Earlier, I was toying with the idea of selling Rory’s bike. He would’ve come back and haunted my ass.”

“I’m sure he would’ve understood, considering the circumstances.”

The line fell silent for several seconds.

“Um…how are things going for you? I know you were a little flustered with the nanny cancellation.”

“I’ve moved from flustered to a full-blown panic. I had another cancellation.”

“That’s disappointing,” she sympathized.

“Tell me about it.”

“Does the offer still stand?”

“What offer?”

“You asked me earlier if I was interested in interviewing for the nanny position.”

“I did, but I wasn’t being serious…unless…you’re interested,” I said hesitantly.

“I’m…intrigued,” she worded carefully, trying to be coy. “What does the position entail?”

“It will be a full-time live-in position, and if employed, you’d be responsible for caring for my three children, plus Kiyah, ofcourse, Monday through Friday. There may be some occasional late nights or weekends, but those occurrences are rare and would be cleared in advance. But typically, you’d have the weekends to yourself. You’d be responsible for getting the kids ready in the morning and fed. Grant is five, and Casey is four and will have to be dropped off at school by 7:15 and picked up at 2:45. Daisy is two and will spend the day with you and Kiyah. Typically, I get home around 6:00 or 7:00 in the evening, so you’d also be responsible for dinner. When I get home, I’ll jump in. The pay is $2,000.00 a week, you’ll receive two weeks of paid vacation, and all health benefits are included, along with the use of the SUV.”

“That’s a comprehensive plan. It’s a little baffling that no one has jumped at the opportunity. How many interviews have you held?”


“And why didn’t the twelve women you’ve interviewed work out?”

“I didn’t think they were a good fit for my family. They were either too lax or too strict.”

“I see. I understand that you’re divorced. Any baby mother drama?”

I released a heavy sigh. “I can’t be too sure. Since I was granted sole custody, my ex hasn’t picked up the children. She always comes up with some last-minute excuse, but she has been problematic in the past.”

“I see.”

“I have an idea. How about you and Kiyah come over tomorrow and meet my family and friends? We’ll have an impromptu barbecue. My best friend’s fiancée, Simone, currently watches my children. You can get more details from her about me and my family. To be honest, she could use afriend. She’d enjoy your company. We can also discuss your case regarding Vance Oil some more. How does that sound?”

I was sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for her answer. I’d be royally screwed if she turned me down.

“What time should we arrive?”

Chapter Four


“Mommy, this is a big house.”

“It is, baby,” I agreed as we walked hand-in-hand to the front door of Jonathan Baker’s estate. The house was breathtaking, but it was the yard that captivated my attention. I’d never seen grass so green, and I felt like I was staring at a sea of soft emeralds of Kentucky Bluegrass.

I paused once we reached the large, ornate front door, unable to find the courage to announce our presence. My eyes widened when Kiyah lifted on her toes and pressed the doorbell.