What am I doing in the truck?

“Um…Jon. What’s going on? Why are we at an airport?” I asked, peering at the private plane in the hangar.

“We’re going on our date.”

“To where exactly?”

“It’s a surprise. Let’s go. Our flight takes off soon.”

It took me a few more seconds to realize I was still wearing my bonnet and pajamas.

“W-where are the kids?” I asked, still discombobulated and overwhelmed.

“They’re with Simone and Anthony for the weekend.”

“For the weekend?” I repeated. “I—”

I trailed off. I didn’t know what to say. Although he meant well, Jonathan was being inconsiderate of my feelings. I understood that we were well on our way to becoming ablended family, and when it came to parenting, the lines were blurred. We gave each other leeway about parenting and making decisions regarding each other’s children, but jet-setting to some undisclosed location for a weekend should’ve been discussed. Not only did I not get to properly say bye to Kiyah, but I also didn’t want to give her the feeling that I was pawning her off on others to have a good time with my new man.

“I fucked up, didn’t I?” he asked. The earlier look of excitement on his face slowly dissipated.

Although I felt my feelings were valid, he’d put a lot of effort into his surprise, and I didn’t want him to feel bad.

I have to word this carefully.

“I’m excited to see what you have planned—”

“But you would’ve liked to say bye to Kiyah first.”

I smiled weakly. “Exactly.”

“I’m sorry, Kierra. I don’t know what I was thinking. Should we go back?” My teeth worried my bottom lip while I considered our options. My gaze met his uncertain eyes. “How about we FaceTime her on the plane?”

“It’s not the same,” I whispered. “Kiyah deserves better than her mom taking off without saying goodbye.”

Jonathan sighed and ran his fingers through his perfectly coifed hair. “You’re right, Kierra. We’ll go back. Would you like a tour of the jet first?”

“Sure. I’ve never been on one before. Do you own it?”

“I don’t travel enough to justify the costs; however, my parents own it,” he explained before hopping out of the Expedition. I ripped my bonnet off and tousled my bob with my fingers, trying to make myself look halfway presentable. Seconds later, he opened my door and ushered me to the plane.

“It’s bigger up close.”

“It’s a Bombardier Global 5000. It’s fully equipped with a forward galley, WIFI, and two lavatories. The jet canaccommodate up to 13 passengers. Watch your step, darling,” Jonathan said, assisting me up the stairs.

“Mommy!” Kiyah shrieked once I boarded the plane. My mouth dropped in surprise.

“W-what are you doing here?”

“Good morning, Ms. Kierra!” Grant and Casey greeted me.

“We’re having breakfast on the plane before you go,” Kiyah explained, bouncing on the soft leather. I scooped up my child and sat between my bonus children on the lounger.

“Oh, my goodness. This is such a nice surprise,” I said, holding back tears. “Where’s Daisy?”

“She’s still asleep,” Grant answered, pointing towards the aft of the plane.

“Are you guys going to be okay with me gone for a few days?” I asked the children.