“What movie did you have in mind?” Kierra asked.

“Hotel Transylvania,” Simone confirmed.

“That’s a safe one.”

“Compared to Anthony’s suggestion, it is,” Simone said with a roll of her eyes.

“Do I even want to know?”

Simone shook her head, and Kierra followed her to the kitchen, laughing.

“Are you sure you’ll be able to go trick-or-treating with your leg?” I asked Anthony.

“That’s what golf carts are for, Gomez. I picked up a 6-seater on Saturday. We can make it work.”

“Does it come with seat belts?” I inquired nervously, entering the garage with counterfeit me.

“Relax, Jon. Everything will be fine.”

“This coming from a man who was ejected from a vehicle and left with permanent disabilities,” I drawled.

“Simone says my scars are sexy.”

“She has to say that,” I insisted.

“You’re just jealous that I make a better Jonathan Baker than you. By the way, congrats, man.”


“Winning the settlement for Kierra.”

“Not to be a pompous bastard, but that was a given. You just have to think outside the box.”

“Hmph. How’s it going on the other front?”

“What other front?”

“How is it going with you and Kierra?”

I scratched the back of my head while I considered what to say. “Things with Kierra are going good.”


“There is no but,” I lied.

“There’s always a but with you, Jon. What’s going on?”

“I told her I loved her last night.” A strangled noise came from him. “I shouldn’t have said it. It’s too soon, right?”

“That’s not for me to say. Everyone has their own timeline. What did she say?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I said it to her when she was dozing off. She responded, and she sounded like one of the zombies fromShaun of the Dead.”

“So, there’s a chance she didn’t comprehend what you said.”

“It’s possible. For all I know, she could’ve said, ‘Oh, that’s nice.’”

“Come on. You have to give Kierra more credit than that. She has to love you at least a little to put up with your Eliza drama.”