“I’m sorry for saying shut up. I’m sorry for talking back, Ms. Kierra.”

“I forgive you,” Kierra said. “Do you forgive Casey, Kiyah?”

“I forgive you,” Kiyah responded.

I parked in the Powells’ driveway and started unloading precious cargo. I opened Kierra’s door, and her arm shot out gracefully. I captured her fingers in mine and assisted her out of the truck. Her long, black gown billowed behind her. “Cara mia, you are my beloved madness,” I whispered before kissing the back of her hand.

“You’re getting too much into character, Jon.”

“There’s no such thing, my black widow.”

“Did you say that because I’m black?” she accused.

“N-no, no, no, no. I called you a black widow because they’re poisonous and deadly. Not because—”

My panic subsided when Kierra began laughing. “Oh, my God. You should’ve seen your face. Oh…oh…man. That was a good one.”

“Just for that, no Halloween candy for you tonight,” I threatened while helping the rest of my brood out of the vehicle.

“No worries. I’ll satisfy my sweet tooth in other ways,” she whispered in my ear before taking Daisy from me. I couldn’t hide the shiver that ripped through my body. We had woken this morning, and instead of saying ‘good morning,’ we chose Option A and brought each other to a swift completion. We lasted only seven minutes, but it was the most intense seven minutes of my life.

She needs to stop sleeping in my room because she’ll never get any rest.

The kids scampered ahead to the front door while Kierra and I took our time, still laughing at the black widow joke. Anthony opened the front door, and I cursed once I saw his Halloween costume.

“Ooo, Mr. Jon—”

“I know, Kiyah. I said a bad word. You kids can have an extra piece of candy tonight.”

The children cheered and pushed past Anthony and Simone. Kierra started jabbing her finger in the couple’s direction. “I want you two to know that y’all are some nasty pieces of work.”

“What’s wrong? You don’t like our costumes?” Simone asked playfully as she modeled her attire.

“Did you really have to dye your hair blonde?” I asked Anthony.

“I can’t be Jonathan Baker, Esquire, without the signature blonde hair,” he said, grinning from ear to ear as he adjusted his wire-rimmed glasses.

“You make a horrible blonde.”

“And black hair does not suit you, nor that pencil-thin mustache.”

Like the psychos they were, Anthony, Simone, and Nori dressed like us for Halloween. Even Nori had a leather biker cut with patches and riding boots.

“I think it’s safe to say we won,” Simone teased.

Kierra and I glanced at each other.

“Yeah…you won. We admit defeat,” Kierra conceded as we followed our doppelgangers into the house.

“To be fair, you guys pulled off the Addams Family perfectly, but I’m confused about Kiyah’s costume. Is she Marilyn Monroe or something?” Anthony asked.

“No, Ant. She’s Debbie from the second movie,” Simone informed.

“Debbie? I don’t—oh! The gold digger who was after Uncle Fester’s money. Okay, okay. I take it that Daisy is Wednesday, Casey is Pugsley, and Grant is Lurch.”

“You got it,” I confirmed, placing my hand on Kierra’s lower back. I ushered her into the house while Simone went over the festivities for the night.

“You guys are gonna take the kids trick-or-treating for an hour while me and Morticia finish dinner. We will eat our spooky meal and then play some games before ending the night with a kid-friendly scary movie.”