“What a gold digger,” I joked, earning a slap to my ass that made me wince. “I take it back.”

“Wonderful. We’ll go but under one condition.”

“What is it?”

“This luxury cabin must have a hot tub.”

“Duh, that was a given.”

“Also, allow me to make the flight arrangements.”

“No, Jon. Let me do it.”

“I pay for the flights, or the Bakers will be in Texas for Christmas.”

“You don’t mean that, but I’ll budge. You can handle the flights but let me handle everything else.”

“Deal,” he affirmed before seeking out my lips. His kiss was gentle yet full of fire. But despite my throbbing pussy, I was thoroughly enjoying Option B. As always, Jonathan sensed something in me that hinted I didn’t want to go further. He pulled away and asked, “Are you ready for Option C?” I smiled, planted one last kiss on him, and reached to recover the remote from the nightstand. I spent the next two hours enjoying my favorite show, ignoring the snorts from Jonathan or the mumbles about ‘how unrealistic’ a situation was. I didn’t mind one bit; his grumblings were endearing.

Jonathan turned off the TV when he noticed my eyes begin to droop. I wanted to fight him and demand that he returnthe remote, but it was no use; I was barely holding onto consciousness.

We were blanketed in darkness when he said, “I’ll always chase you because I love you.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


“Mr. Jonathan, are we going to go trick-or-treating?” Kiyah asked from the back seat. I peered in the rear-view mirror and caught her adjusting the sheer scarf around her head.

“Yes, we’re going trick-or-treating once we pick up Nori and her parents.”

“I wantallthe candy!” Casey exclaimed.

“I want candy!” Daisy co-signed.

“What about you, Grant?” Kierra asked, looking over her shoulder. “Do you want candy?”

“Of course,” he huffed in response.

“It was a silly question, wasn’t it?” she asked. She chuckled when he nodded firmly. “Because I’m sure we’ll be eating all kinds of sweet treats at Ms. Simone and Uncle Anthony’s house; you guys can only eat three pieces of candy tonight because it’s a school night.”

“Ms. Kierra, you can’t do that!” Casey protested.

“Don’t talk back to my mommy!” Kiyah fussed.

“Shut up!” Casey snapped. I was about to intervene when Grant beat me to the punch.

“You need to behave, Casey, or I’ll take all of your candy and make you watch me eat it. Apologize to Kiyah and Ms. Kierra.”

“Yikes,” Kierra said under her breath.

“Y-you wouldn’t do that,” Casey mumbled, unsure if his older brother would make good on his threat.

“Apologize or find out.”

“I’m sorry, Kiyah,” Casey rushed out.

“You’re sorry for what?” Grant asked.