“Are you here because you want me to fuck the pain away? Do you want quiet companionship so you don’t feel alone, or do you want to distract yourself with a cozy British who-dun-it series?”

Although I knew there wasn’t any maliciousness in Jonathan’s tone, I still felt a little called out. I relied on Jonathan…a lot, and maybe I was being unfair by dumping all my emotional baggage on him.

“Never mind, I’ll leave,” I said, heading for the door.

“You’re wasting both our time by running from me again. You know I’ll chase you.”

He absolutely would, but why?

“Why is that?”

“Tell me what you’re here for, and I’ll tell you why before you fall asleep.”

I chewed my bottom lip and considered his offer while staring into those intense green eyes.

“Option B, with the possibility of A and C.”

“Then hop in,” he offered, pulling back the comforter for me. I slid in and groaned when he tugged me into his embrace. His long legs threaded through mine, and his chin rested on my head. We stayed like that for several minutes until I said, “I’m planning on taking Kiyah to Colorado for Christmas to meet my parents.”

“Th-that’s—good for you.”

“It’s time for me to take accountability for the pain I caused them and apologize.”

“That’s very brave of you, Kierra.”

“I’m not that brave. I haven’t called them yet.”

“But you will—first thing in the morning. You’re dragging your feet because you’re fearful of their reaction. But as a parent, I can say confidently that I would want nothing more than to know that my daughter was happy and healthy no matter what part of the world she was in.”

“You’re right.”

“I’m always right,” he boasted.

“I don’t know, Jon. Your choice in women is questionable.”


I rolled my eyes.

He’s always so smooth.

“Can I ask you something?”


“Will you and the kids come with us? If you don’t have plans, of course.”

Jonathan paused rubbing my back in soothing circles.

“You want us to come with you to Colorado for Christmas?”

“I do. Their town is beautiful in the winter, and the kids deserve a White Christmas. Plus, I’ll be killing three birds with one stone—introduce my folks to Kiyah, make amends, and introduce them to the people I’m not sure I can live without. We can rent a luxury cabin with the perfect view of the snow-capped mountains. I think the kids will love it.”

“Hmmmm. I don’t know.”

“I’ll pay for it, of course.”

“Now you’ve caught my attention.”