I was assaulted by the smell of garlic, sweet and sour, and fried dumplings upon entering the Chinese eatery. I approached the counter and grinned at the cardboard box of food with my last name scrawled on the side.

“I’ll be with you in one moment,” the cashier said as he took an order.

“Take your time,” I encouraged, trying to be polite, but in reality, I’d lose it if he didn’t cash me out in the next minute. I’d eaten a bagel for breakfast and a bag of pretzels for lunch. I was famished.

“Okay. What would you like? Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Is that all?” The employee paused to ring up the total. “That’ll be $10.55. Can I get a name for the order? Kierra Houston.” My ears perked up. “Your order will be ready in 15 minutes.” The cashier hung up. “I apologize for the wait. How can I help you?”

“I’m here to pick up an order for Jonathan Baker.”

“Your total is $105.00 with tip. How will you be paying today?”

“Cash, please. This may be a weird request, but can I pay for Mrs. Houston’s meal?”

“Why? Are you starting one of those Pay-It-Forward trends?” he asked in disbelief.

“No, I know her. Actually, can I add some more to her order?”

The employee shrugged. “Um…I guess.”

“Good. Oh, and can you leave my card with her order?”

* * *

“Another fucking cancellation,” I groaned into my hands. “Fuck! What do you have to do to find reliable people these days?” I complained loudly. My cell phone rang, and I nearly ignored it, hoping I wouldn’t be blasted with another disappointment. I didn’t recognize the number, but I answered it anyway. “Hello?”

“Hi. I hope I’m not calling too late.”

I flew up in my office chair.

“No, no. It’s barely 9:00. How are you and Kiyah?”

“Full…thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I have a question.”

“Go for it.”

“Are you always this generous with your clients?”


“I’m not fond of liars.”

“No one is. But to answer your question, no. I’m not. I don’t wish to insult you, and I don’t want you to believe that I’m treating you and your daughter like a charity case, but there was no way I was going to stand by and not do anything knowing you and Kiyah were going to share that General Tso’s plate.”

“I’ll pay you back,” she whispered.

“It’s unnecessary, but I feel your pride won’t allow you to let it go.”


“On another note, I called the insurance company.”

“And?” she asked anxiously.

“They’ll send the check via Certified Mail in the next two to three business days.”