As Lizzie rounded the corner, she saw Elizabeth leaving Thomas’ study, crying and looking distraught. Lizzie frowned. She waited until the hallway was clear and quietly opened the door to Thomas’ study. Although nothing was visibly out of place, there was a noticeable and desperate energy in the air. Lizzie looked around the room once more before closing the door.What was Miss Elizabeth doing in Master Thomas’ study? And why had she been so upset?

Chapter Thirty-One

Lizzie looked up at the night sky and could feel the rain coming. It was only a few hours away. The night air was cold and crisp, not an ideal situation for the runaways. They would travel eighty miles before they reached Baton Rouge, the next stop on their journey. There would be a lot of ground to cover, especially in the rain. Rain always tended to slow the escapees down as the ground was muddy and wet with little traction. Fortunately, the rainy weather also slowed the bounty hunters down, too, but only for an hour or two.

The hunters hated looking for runaway slaves in the rain, but the smart ones knew that was the best time to find them. The bloodhounds’ sense of smell wasn’t as sharp, especially on hot, dry days. The fresh, clean air from the rain, however, made it easier for the hounds to pick up a scent. Lizzie had learned all this by eavesdropping on a conversation Thomas’ father had with a slave trader years ago. She didn’t know it at the time how useful the information was going to be. Now, as she prepared the slaves for the next leg of their journey, she smiled to herself.

There was much that needed to be done but Lizzie learned a lot of things and had become adept in her role as astation master. Thomas had taught Lizzie many things, too, most of which he learned from runaway slaves he encountered while living in Boston. Together, they formed an incredible team and devised new tactics with each group of slaves they assisted. Before they left, each slave received plenty of rest, a coat, new clothing, shoes, and a fresh bath as well as a small rucksack filled with various items such as food, medicinal herbs, liniment, and a knife – all things they needed to survive and make it through the treacherous woods.

Throughout the journey, escapees would look up at a group of stars that resembled a big dipper with a cup that had a long handle. Thomas said the runaway slaves who had come to the north called this group of stars the Drinking Gourd. Two stars on the cup’s edge always pointed to the North Star. By finding the “drinking gourd” in the sky, runaways would always find the North Star, the star that would carry them north to freedom.

Chapter Thirty-Two

“The herb you gave her ain’t workin’,” the husband said to Lizzie as she signaled to them it was time to go to the cabin to bathe one last time.

“Not yet,” she replied. “Give it some time. About thirty more minutes and she’ll be good as new.”

“I don’t understand. She was fine a few hours ago.”

“That happens some time when you travelin.’ The body don’t always cooperate with you when you pushin’ it to its limits. And the stomach is real sensitive. That’s why you gotta be careful what you eat out there. Every berry and leaf ain’t good for you. Eat a little at a time to see how the body react.”

Lizzie looked at Patrick who was standing nearby. “I’ll let her rest up for a little bit longer,” she said. “Truth is, y’all don’t have much time. The longer you stay, the closer the slave catchers get. And my sense says you got two days at the most. You gotta have a good head start to keep ‘em at a distance.”

Distraught, the husband turned to his wife who was sweating profusely. “Baby, you gon’ make it tonight?”

The wife looked up at him. She was breathing heavy. “We gon’ have to.”

The husband looked at his wife, then back at Lizzie. “Alright, we’ll leave tonight then.”

Lizzie gave a nod and picked up her gun. “I’ll take Josiah to the cabin.”

Josiah came to Lizzie, his tall frame towering over her. “I don’t need no babysittin’.

“You want them slave traders to catch you?”

“I know where the cabin is.”

The tension between Josiah and Lizzie was palpable. It had been that way ever since he had arrived.

“Look, you a guest in this house which means you do as I say,” Lizzie said, her eyes blazing. “And if you want to make it to freedom, you gotta listen to me. Every move, every step, every action has to be thought out.”

His eyes met hers as he moved in closer. “So, now you’re my savior,” he said, a hint of a grin appearing on his smooth face.

“Who was trying to help you before?” Lizzie snapped. “You don’t like how we do things you can go out there and fend for yourself.”

Patrick stood between them. “Come on y’all. We ain’t got all night for dis.”

“You sho’ right,” Lizzie said, brushing past Josiah to the door. “Tellhimthat.”

Chapter Thirty-Three

Lizzie’s patience was starting to wear thin. Josiah had been in the cabin cleaning up for what seemed like forever. He needed to hurry if they were going to leave soon. The best time for runaways to travel undetected was around midnight - a guaranteed time when the majority slept. Frustrated with Josiah’s lack of attention to detail, Lizzie knocked on the door in the code. She received no answer. Lizzie knocked again. She held her rifle tighter as she entered the cabin. The room was dark but Lizzie could still see the outline of Josiah’s naked body as he dried his scarred back. He was facing the window and stopped when she entered. For a moment, neither one said a word. Seconds passed and Lizzie continued to stand there taking in every detail of his beautiful, chiseled body.

Lizzie turned to go. “I’ll be outside.”

Josiah wrapped the towel around his midsection and turned to her. “Give me a few more minutes,” he said. “I was just finishing up.”

He went behind the makeshift section to get dressed. Lizzie felt her skin flush as raw desire coursed throughout her entire body. She waited patiently by the door and within minutes, Josiah was behind her, his warm breath against her neck. He took her shoulders and held them, allowing all his sexual energy to become one with hers. Lizzie’s melted under his touch.