“No, Loki! Let’s go home.”

“Tink, let me go.”

“Nuh-uh.” She clung to his back like a monkey.

“You think this is gonna stop me? I’ll just walk in there like this with you on my back.”

“He’s already gone home for the night.”

He paused halfway to the building. “Are you lying to me, Tink?”

She sighed. They didn’t lie to each other. Maybe she occasionally kept things from him, but they didn’t lie to each other.

“I’m pretty sure he has. He got a call and left. Please, Loki. I want to go home. I’m tired. All I want is to watch TV and eat junk food.”

“Fine,” he grumbled. “But this keeps up and I’m going to step in.”

She buried her face against his back. She wished it was that simple. “I don’t want to lose my job.”

“You think he’ll fire you if I tell him to pull his head out of his ass?”

Isa snorted. “Yeah, kind of.”

“What a dick.” He walked back to the truck, setting her down in the front passenger seat. Drawing the seatbelt over her, he buckled it in.

Isa pretended to grumble over his overprotectiveness. But they both knew she was full of shit.

She loved it.

Then she caught sight of something truly beautiful.

Sitting in the cupholder was a takeaway cup. With a familiar pink logo. Loki climbed into the driver’s seat.

“You brought me a Princess Hot Chocolate?” she asked with reverence.

These were amazing. The best hot chocolates ever. And they came from this pop-up cart that moved everywhere around Montana. She’d only had one when the cart came to Stepford. But she followed the cart’s progress and sightings on social media.

“Yep, I saw it was coming to Morrisville, so I stopped there on the way here.”

“You’re my hero.”

He grinned over at her. “I know. I’ve been your hero since you were five years old.”

He sure had. And she would never forget that.

“Now, let’s buy some junk food, then eat ourselves into a sugar coma.”

“Sounds like bliss.”

* * *

Why didsupermarkets put all the good stuff up high?

It was a conspiracy! It should be illegal. Discrimination against the height-challenged.

“Can I help?” A hand touched her shoulder and she let out a cry, jumping into the air.

“Whoa, baby. It’s just me. Remy.”