Hey, if they weren’t going to watch her . . . she undid her harness and slid off the seat. Then she skipped over to the best. Thing. Ever.

With a squeal, she finally found it. She jumped up, trying to grab it. Why was it so high up?

She . . . nearly . . . had . . . it . . .

As she grabbed it off the shelf about a hundred other soft toys rained down on her.

But she didn’t care. She had what she wanted.

It was perfect. It was squishy.

It was hers!

“Isabelle!” a voice barked, making her jump.

“Uh-oh, Olly,” she whispered.

Perhaps she should hide.

Daddy sounded very upset. She glanced around frantically, but the only place she saw to hide was in the giant pile of soft toys.

She dove into it, pulling Olly with her.

There. Totally safe.

“Isabelle!” Remy said again.

She got the feeling that Remy was always going to be the disciplinarian of the two of them.

Although Loki sure had seemed stern when he had her writing lines earlier.

And then corner time.


But yeah, Remy was the one who was going to be sterner.

So, basically, if she was going to misbehave, then she needed to do it when Remy wasn’t around.


She peeked out of the pile as she saw Remy at the end of the aisle.

“Stay quiet, Olly,” she whispered to him. “Quiet like a mouse.”

“What the hell happened here?” Loki asked.

Oh, he sounded like he was at the other end of the aisle. But she didn’t dare turn to look. She was too busy hiding.

She hoped that Remy didn’t cheat and use his mind-reading abilities to figure out where she was.

“What do you think you are doing, Princess?”

Oh wow. He sounded very close.

She hoped he didn’t stand on her.

Surely he wouldn’t stand on a bunch of defenseless soft toys.