Then he remembered what triggered him . . .

Loki jumped to his feet, fury filling him. “Who the fuck is firing a gun out here?”

Remy frowned. “I guess someone could be hunting?”

“This is private fucking land. No one asked my permission.”

Remy’s eyes widened. “How much of this land do you own?”

Enough that he knew they had to be on his land.

“Take care of Tink.” Anger had him seething as he strode off.

How dare some fucking bastard come onto his land and shoot a gun. What if they’d been closer? What if they’d hurt Isabelle?

“Loki! Stop!” Remy commanded.

“Loki! Wait!” Isabelle cried.

No, fucking way. He was finding this bastard.

Someone running toward him had him turning with a snarl. Remy held his hands up, but there was a determined look on his face.

“You’re not going anywhere,” Remy said.

“You’re not the fucking boss of me.” He pointed a finger at Remy.

Both of them glared at each other. Was this it? The end of this tentative relationship.

Then Remy’s anger changed into something else. Thoughtful. Calming. Dominant.

“Loki, she’s scared.”

He froze. “What?”

Why would his girl be scared?

“She’s worried you’re going to go off and do something reckless. And so am I. Do you really think you can find this guy? And what if you do? What then? He’s got a gun.”

So did Loki. But it was locked up in his gun safe.

But taking it with him would escalate a volatile situation.

“Listen to me for a moment, all right?” Remy continued in that low voice. “Just listen and if you still want to go I won’t stand in your way.”

Loki frowned. His anger was still thrumming just under his skin. But he was also hesitating.

Was this smart? Or was he just letting anger and emotion get the better of him?

“I get that you’re not happy, I’m not either. But if you run off like this, you could find trouble. And you won’t have backup. I’m not happy about that.”

Loki frowned. “You’re not?”

“No, I’m not.”

Wow, that tone of voice was dark.
