“Not sure that could have gone any worse,” Loki mused.

Remy ran his hand over his face. “Christ, I didn’t mean to upset her. I was just . . . I’m not . . . I didn’t want her to feel like she had to do anything. This should be special for the two of you. And you’re more ahead in your relationship with her than I am.”

“Fuck, man, ease up. You shouldn’t say all those words at once or you might give yourself a stroke.”

Remy sighed. “I need to go explain. It’s not that I didn’t want to . . .”

“I get it. But you don’t need to hold back if it’s what she wants.”

“I’m just glad the two of you let me be here.”

“Fuck, man. I’m the one that’s grateful. Without you, I’d probably have come in the first ten seconds and be snoring on the couch. Come on, let’s go find her.”

Feeling like shit, Remy followed him into the bedroom. He frowned when he saw it was empty but that the window was wide open.

“Where is she?” Remy asked, bending to look under the bed. Wow. It was a mess under there. Baby girl really needed to start tidying up after herself.

Loki walked over and shut the window. “I’ve got to get an alarm.”

“Actually, yes, you do,” Remy said. “We need to see to that immediately. It’s not safe. For her or you.” Then he stiffened. “Fuck, did someone get in here? Take her?”

But Loki wouldn’t be so calm if she’d been harmed.

In fact, he was certain the other man would lose it if anything happened to their girl.

“No,” Loki replied. “She’s run away.”

Remy blinked. He hadn’t heard that, right?

“Um, sorry?”

“She’s run away from home. Well, sort of. When she was a kid and her dad or her stepmom were being awful, she’d run away and hide in our treehouse.”

“Bastards. And you think she’s done that now? But where would she have gone?”

“To our treehouse, of course,” Loki replied. “Come on, let’s get a blanket for her. Hopefully, she put shoes on.”

She better damn well have put shoes on. Remy grumbled to himself as he put on his jacket and rushed after Loki.

Loki’s headlamp lit their way. “Be quiet going past the chickens. Jennifer gets really grumpy if she doesn’t get enough sleep.”

“I can’t believe you keep those chickens.”

“They have damn good eggs. And I didn’t know they were going to be she-demons when I got them.”

They moved quietly past the chicken coop and headed out into the forest.

Fuck. Remy really didn’t like that she’d gone out here on her own at night. Wasn’t she scared? Anyone could grab her and he’d have had no idea.

“This isn’t happening again,” he murmured after they were well past the chicken coop.

“Agreed,” Loki said grimly, surprising him.

He’d half expected the other man to argue with him, to defend her. Satisfaction filled him.

“You know, it kind of feels good having someone else help me look after her,” Loki said. “She’s a handful.”

That she was.